Page 14 of Wings of War

He slid onto the bench until he was next to the window, a draft of cold air tickling his neck from the places where the windowpane rattled in the frame. The frayed fabric on the bench seat barely counted as a cushion while a layer of grime skimmed the floor and the windows.

Merrik eased onto the seat beside him, his arms and legs tight to his body as if he were trying his best not to touch anything.

Fieran gingerly settled against the back of the seat. He was more cavalier about dirt than Merrik was, but the general stickiness of the place was disconcerting.

He’d traveled on the cheap seats of the train occasionally, but only for short trips. Even then, he usually paid for at least second class, if not first class. It wasn’t like more expensive tickets were a financial hardship. For longer trips, he was usually traveling with his parents in their personal train, powered by Dacha’s magic and designed to travel on both the steel rails of Escarland and the forest root rails of Tarenhiel so that it didn’t need to stop all the way from Aldon to Estyra.

The train gave a whistle—using compressed air rather than steam—then the wheels ground forward. As the train crawled into motion, Fieran peered out the window one last time.

Mama, Fieran’s sisters, and Aunt Patience were talking with a man and woman wearing work-worn clothing, the man’s coverall’s patched and the woman’s dress an indeterminate color of greige.

Dacha had retreated to put his back to the wall of the train station away from the bustle, gripping Tryndar’s hand. Tryndar shrank against Dacha’s leg and plugged his ears as best he could with one hand and a shoulder as the train gave another shrill whistle. Uncle Iyrinder had taken up a spot a few feet away from Dacha, his gaze darting between Dacha and the others, his posture that of a guard on duty.

Then the train was gaining speed, and the station disappeared from Fieran’s view, replaced with Aldon’s brick buildings crowding all the way up to the train tracks.

A lanky young man with straw-blond hair sticking out in all directions and wearing a set of coveralls swiveled in his seat on the bench in front of Fieran and Merrik. He gaped around, his blue eyes wide as goggles, his mouth hanging open.

His gaze drifted over them, then snapped back to Merrik. He turned all the way around in his seat. “Are you elves?”

Merrik hunched in his seat, but it did little to hide his long chestnut hair and pointed ears.

“Half-elves.” Fieran stuck out a hand. “I’m Fieran. He’s Merrik.”

“Elijah, but most people call me Lije.” The young man grinned, showing off a gap in his front teeth. He had a slight accent that Fieran couldn’t place. “Where are you from? I’m from the south of Escarland near the border with Groyria. Never been farther north than Mount Husken until I joined up. Had quite the train ride to get to Aldon. Whoo-whee, but Aldon is a sight! Never seen so many people and buildings in one place! You could lose all of Frogg’s Hollow in Aldon and never miss it.”

Fieran eyed Lije. And everyone thought Fieran was talkative. This young man from the southern hills of Escarland could put him to shame. “Aldon is something. Merrik and I grew up just outside of Aldon.”

“Have you ever visited Estyra? I hear the elves have trees as big as mountains.” Lije was on his knees now, the better to peer over the back of his bench at them.

“Yes. The trees of Estyra are impressive.” Fieran wasn’t going to mention that when he wasn’t in Aldon, he lived in a room at the elven palace of Ellonahshinel itself. Everyone in the unit was likely to find out Fieran was a prince with far too many useless titles to his name sooner or later. He would just rather it be later.

Lije didn’t seem the bad sort. He didn’t seem prejudicial about Fieran and Merrik’s heritage. That was a mark in his favor.

“Are you brothers?” Lije pointed between them.

“Kind of.” Fieran shrugged, even as Merrik sank further on the bench. “Our parents have been friends for a long time, so we’re like brothers.”

Lije nodded, as if that wasn’t too surprising of a scenario. “Could have fooled me with that hair. Though yours is a lot redder than his. Never seen hair that red.”

Fieran suppressed his sigh. He didn’t mind his red hair. Not really. But everyone always insisted on commenting on it.

“So you’re half-elves, huh? Are your papas the elves or your mamas?” Lije leaned his elbows on the back of the bench, even as the train shuddered into motion. “I’ve met a few ogres and half-ogres in Frogg’s Hollow—they occasionally cross the border to trade in our town—but never any elves before.”

“Our fathers are elves; our mothers are humans.” Fieran stretched out his legs beneath the bench in front of him. With the lanky young man kneeling on the seat, he wasn’t using the leg room. Fieran might as well take advantage of it.

“My parents are both human as human comes. Though family legend on my mama’s side says there’s ogre in the blood from some grandpappy or other.” Lije settled more comfortably where he was, kneeling on his bench and leaning over to speak with them. “People say such awful things about ogres, but they aren’t disgusting swamp creatures or anything like that. They’re people too, you know. Just a little extra green. Not as green as the cartoons you see going around. They’re more a kind of mottled green-brown.”

Elves were generally well regarded and didn’t engender some of the prejudices that the trolls or ogres experienced. But the elves still sneered at Fieran’s human side and the humans mocked his stuck-up elf side. He simply couldn’t win sometimes.

“I’d like to meet an ogre someday.” Fieran sank even lower on the bench to attempt to lounge more comfortably. The lack of padding wasn’t helping anything. His rear end was going to be asleep by the time they reached Fort Linder. “Are things between Groyria and Mongavaria as bad as the papers say?”

“Hard to tell.” Lije shrugged. “But I’ll say this, I haven’t seen any ogres visiting in months now. They’ve just disappeared.”

That wasn’t good. At least if one was hoping there wouldn’t be a war. From what Fieran had heard, ogres were reclusive. But not that reclusive.

His parents probably knew more of what was going on. Uncle Edmund, head of Escarland’s Intelligence Office—as in, Escarland’s top spy—certainly knew more.

The train was really picking up speed now, farm fields and tiny villages flashing by outside the windows.