Page 43 of Soul Fated

Kael took another step, and Will stepped between him and his mate. I waited for Kael to snipe at him, but he didn’t. “I know how to deliver pups. I’m going to make sure they’re both safe.” His voice was calm, authoritative. He didn't wait for a response from Will, just moved past him and dropped to his knees.

Will’s dark brown eyes flashed. “How are you going to help with one arm?”

My jaw dropped. Kael didn't answer. He just opened the bag of supplies he’d bought and pulled out a spool of string and scissors. “You’ve got two choices. I can help as best I can with one arm, or you can deliver this pup yourself.”

Will’s jaw ticked, and after a moment, he stepped back. “Fine. But if you hurt her?—”

“He’s not going to hurt her,” I snapped. “And that was an asshole comment.” I pushed past him and knelt next to Kael. “How can I help?”

“Let’s get her comfortable.” He showed me where to put my hands as we helped Marissa into a crouch. He pointed at Will. “I need you to sit behind her and support her so she can relax.” Will surprisingly didn’t argue. He followed his instructions as Kael unwrapped the string and used his knee to help him cut two lengths, then set them on the blanket.

“I’m going to have Callista take off your underwear so I can see where we’re at.” Kael looked Marissa in the eyes. Marissa winced in pain and nodded.

I waited for Will to object, but he didn’t so much as flinch as I reached under Marissa’s shirt and stretched her underwear over her knees. She lifted her heels one at a time.

Kael slipped a towel under her, and it was a good thing he did. Fluid and blood leaked out of her, soaking the fabric. He gave instructions to Rowan and Jasper, then scrubbed his hand with the soap and the bucket of water Bill set next to him.

He dried it on a clean towel and then placed it on Marissa’s knee. “I’m going to check to see how close we are to this pup entering the world, okay?”

She nodded once, leaning back on her mate’s shoulder. Will whispered something to her, and she nodded, her breathing heavy.

Kael’s expression shifted.

"What's wrong?" Will demanded, his voice cracking.

Kael drew a deep breath. “Nothing. Your baby’s heart is strong."

He was lying. My heart started to race.

Tell me, I sent to him. With my emotions heightened, it felt as easy as breathing to push my thoughts.

The baby’s breech. We need to turn it. Kael moved further up the quilt. “Callista’s going to help me turn your baby a bit so he can come out smoothly.”

Marissa squeezed her eyes shut. “Okay.” She gritted her teeth as another contraction gripped her.

Put your hand on the baby’s bottom. Kael put his hand over mine and guided it between Marissa’s legs. I held in a gasp as my palm met slick heat. You’re going to apply gentle pressure when I tell you.

I nodded. He removed his hand and placed his hand on her abdomen.

“Now.” Kael began applying pressure with his hand, pushing the baby’s head upward, away from the pelvis. I mirrored his movement, my hand on the baby’s bottom, applying just enough pressure to assist the turn. Kael guided me with subtle nods and brief instructions, our movements synchronized as if we’d done this a hundred times before.

I felt it again. Safe. This version of him, capable and calm—steady—made me want to open my heart wide and drink him in.

“A little more, please.” Kael was gentle, and as I adjusted my pressure, the baby started to shift beneath my fingers.

Holy shit. I didn’t realize I’d sent that thought until the corner of Kael’s mouth twitched. There was the ridge of a spine and then?—

“A head. There’s a?—”

Marissa wailed, bearing down as another contraction hit.

Kael moved back between her knees, and I pulled my hand back. Bill offered me the bucket of water and soap.

Marissa's cries grew more insistent, and Kael breathed with her. “You’re doing amazing, Marissa. Just a little longer.”

Will’s hands shook as he held Marissa’s, his knuckles white from the pressure. Evelyn’s eyes were wide, her breathing shallow. Kael applied the iodine with gauze, and Rowan was ready next to him with a trash bag.

“On the next contraction, you’re going to push, okay?” Kael motioned for Bill to wipe up the mess under her and place another clean towel beneath her and one on Kael’s lap.