Page 29 of Soul Fated

My eyes narrowed. “The moon, right? The magic? That’s what you mean by all this?” It’s not like I could avoid the moon cycle or the fact that the dagger was hunting me.

“Definitely. It has nothing to do with the ultra-masculine wolf sitting in the other room.”

“Lana!” I hissed. “This is not because of Kael.”

“It’s not not because of Kael. He saved your life back there.”

“Yeah! After he tried to take it!”

Lana shrugged. “When wolves feel threatened, their instincts kick in. It's like a survival mechanism. Your body is trying to find a way to protect itself, to ensure you have someone strong enough to keep you safe."

"But Kael's not?—"

"It doesn’t matter what he is. Your body is reacting to him because he’s the one who found you, who brought you back to life. It’s not about logic. It’s about biology."

I frowned. "So my body is just . . . doing this without my permission?" I opened the washroom door, darted across the hall to my bedroom and flopped down on the bed.

Lana stormed in after me, slamming the door behind us. "Careful. I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but it makes sense, doesn't it?"

I was already sweating again. “If he’s still here, will this go on forever?”

“I hope not,” Lana muttered. “As it is, Rowan’s going to be pissed we left.”

Rowan was the last thing on my mind. “Are you going to call him?”

She nodded. “Pray for me.”

I groaned and sat, looking at my bag Lana had brought in from the truck and the pile of dirty clothes. “I should sleep.”

“Can you sleep?”

“That is yet to be determined.” No. The answer to that question was no. The idea of putting clothes on made me cringe, but the thought of getting into Bill’s sheets naked…well. I hoped they were clean.

Lana retreated to the door. "Okay, but you know where I am. Just call, and I'll be here." I nodded as she exited, leaving me alone with my thoughts and swollen lady parts.

As soon as she left, I threw off my towel. The digital clock on the nightstand read one-thirty eight. Fantastic.

I flicked off the lights, then stripped the quilt and top sheet back on the bed. I curled up on my side, trying to convince myself that I could handle this. That I didn’t need anyone else. That I didn’t need him.

But my mind kept drifting back to Kael. I made up stories about him. Pretended he’d looked at me in ways that he hadn’t. That he’d touched me in places that weren’t logistical.

Flashes of his eyes, his mouth, his hand played through my mind like a reel on an old film projector. He only had five fingers, and the things he’d been able to do with them were mind-boggling. They must be more dextrous…

And then there was the thought that sent my stomach plummeting.

Kael knew. He’d seen me run to the kitchen, and even if Lana didn’t explain, male wolves were instantly aware of the change in scent when a she-wolf was at her height of fertility.

Was he in his room feeling this, too? Did he have the same insatiable heat running through his veins?

I hated that I wondered. That I was so desperate for release I was fantasizing about him.

Call him.

I froze at the thought. It wasn’t words exactly, rather an impulse. A knowledge, pushed to me from my wolf.

I can’t call him, I don’t have his?—

A rush of what I can only describe as colors and warmth burst from my mind, sent like a beacon meant for one person and one person only.