After calling her Dee during sex, it just stuck. I like that no one besides Ray has called her that. It warms my heart that she’s Cindy or Sin to everyone but to Raydene and me—she’ll always be our Dee.
Today, we’re celebrating Quick and Ruby. They ran off to the courthouse this morning to tie the knot.
Sin moves her hands down, cupping my cock as we ride toward the clubhouse. We mostly stay at her place. Every once in a while, we stay in my room at the clubhouse, but we never stay apart.
Placing my hand over hers, I rub her hands up and down my length.
She giggles against my back.
Sin found her place within my clubhouse and in the hearts of the Spin It girls. I’m not saying she has or ever will replace Raydene, but she’s an added part to a little crazy group.
Maze and Sin have become really close. Maze has been practicing her skills to become a mixologist. Everyone fell in love with her at the lounge, so when Shy and I decided to make her the manager, everyone was overly excited.
Pulling up to the clubhouse, the parking lot is packed. When word got out that they were tying the knot, several club members from different chapters came to support them.
Quick’s family flew in yesterday to be here for the ceremony, along with Luc and his crew.
I park in my vice president’s parking spot next to Shy’s bike. Sin jumps off and is pulling off her helmet when the door to the clubhouse swings open.
“Bout time your ass is here,” Violet yells, holding the door open.
“I’ve whooped her ass on the pool table twice now,” Phoenix shouts from behind her.
Sin’s face lights up. I chuckle. “Surprise!”
The girls squeal, and I can’t help but laugh at these women. Complete badass bitches get all-girlie when they see each other.
After one of her nightmares, I finally asked Sin if it was about Peshkov and what she did to him or him to her. She told me no, that her dreams were mostly of losing her sister. That’s when I got her to open up about how she felt about killing Peshkov, and her response was, “I’d do it again.”
That was the last we spoke of Peshkov or her brutally killing a man.
Sin rushes back over to me and gives me a big kiss. “Thank you, Big Mac,” she says with a wink.
Since I decided to use her sister’s nickname, she used mine. It’s kind of a way for us to keep our sisters alive.
When I walked through the doors, I heard a little girl scream my name, “MacMac!”
I look around and find Bella, Ruby’s little girl, rushing toward me with her baby doll in her arms. I grab her and throw her in the air when she’s close enough. “How’s my special girl?” I say, tickling her once I catch her.
She giggles her adorable little girl giggle.
She won my heart the instant she came into my life. It makes me want a little rugrat of my own…someday.
I glance over to see Sin watching me.
Quick walks up, grinning ear to ear, looking as happy as ever, and says, “Baby girl, are you bothering Uncle Mac?”
I tickle her again, saying, “She could never bother me.”
Bella giggles. “Ya Quak, MacMac lubs me.”
I tickle her again. “Yes, I do love you, my Bella girl.”
I clasp hands with Quick, bringing him in for a man hug. “Congratulations, brother.”
“Thank you. I’m the luckiest man alive,” Quick says, beaming with pride.
I see Ruby with her auntie Giselle, who still to this day shocks me how much she looks like my auntie Fay, who died in the crash with my sister. We first met Giselle when we were in LA, moving Ruby here.