Sin’s still lying over her sister, overcome with emotions and mumbling. There isn’t a dry eye in the room.
There’s a soft knock before Greg slips into the room. He’s a good doctor, and I know he’s known Raydene for a long time, so this also has to be hard for him.
When he sees everyone weeping, he slowly walks over to us, next to the machines.
Doc sees Greg and stands up. Reaching for Sin, she says, “Cindy, it’s time.”
Sin, hearing her real name, starts blubbering ‘no’ over and over again. When she begins to hyperventilate, I lift her off her sister, and she becomes violent, not wanting to let go of her sister. I hold her against me, letting her cry as loud as she wants.
Violet turns to Chiv, letting it all out. Doc whimpers to go ahead before collapsing back in her chair next to Raydene, holding her hand as the floodgates open with Dallas right there, comforting her.
Once Greg turns off the machines, we wait. The room is filled with so much anguish. I, too, let go.
Looking at Raydene, I swear right then and there to her that I will protect and love her sister for the rest of my life. Squeezing Sin in my arms, giving her all my love, I say goodbye to Ray.
And then. She’s gone.
It’s been a week since Raydene passed. Everyone has rallied together to help support Violet, Doc, and Sin. Luc made a public announcement letting all her fans know that Raydene passed away.
People have been asking about Dexter, but his whereabouts are still unknown. We know the truth, but we can’t confirm it without a body. As of right now, he’s a missing person.
Sin hasn’t left the clubhouse at all and barely leaves my room. She’s the one with nightmares every night now. Dealing with the loss of her sister and killing a man. I know Peshkov deserved it, but the brutal way she did it has me concerned. She hasn’t spoken about it, and I haven’t pushed her either. I want to be here for her.
The girls have helped out a lot. Snow finally got her to take a shower and come downstairs to hang out. When Doc or Violet visits her, she tries to pull herself together. I think it’s because she knows they are hurting just as much as she is. They had twelve years with Raydene. They were Ray’s rock when she was gone.
That’s why I’m hoping my surprise for her will pull her back to the living.
“When is she arriving?” Shy asks, sitting next to me at the bar.
Finishing my beer, I reply, “She should be here anytime. I told her the celebration of life would be next week.”
We decided to have two parties for Ray. Friday would be at the White Wolfe Lounge for close friends and family. On Saturday, it would be for all of her fans at Club Spin.
“I’m not too keen on the Reapers all coming to the celebration. Having them in our town makes me nervous,” Shy explains.
“Yeah, well, Ray was like family to them. I think there will be a lot of unwanted out-of-towners this coming week,” I say, knowing damn well people from all over who loved Ray and her music will come to mourn her.
“What is Sin going to do?” Blink asks, sitting on the other side of me.
Lifting my beer to my mouth, I reply, “What do you mean?” before taking a sip.
Blink leans on the bar, looking over at the two of us. “What I mean is, are you going to let her be seen? Like at the celebration of life at Club Spin. It’ll get out Cindy’s alive.”
“She said she doesn’t care anymore. That she’s done hiding…” I pause, finishing my beer. “Plus, I told her she’s not leaving me, and I would protect her.”
Cash and Wolfe walk up and take a seat at the bar.
“Are you two ever going to go home?” I ask, fucking with ?em.
Cash bellows with laughter. “Nope! I like it here.”
Wolfe chimes in, “Well, now that you mention it. We’re going to be making some changes, so you might be seeing more of us, but that’s for another day.”
Shy taps the bar with his beer. “Hell yeah.”
I glimpse over at my best friend and question him. “What the fuck? What changes? How come I don’t know about this?”
Shy smirks. “Brother, we’ve been a bit busy.”