The door to Ray’s room is open. When we approach, I hear Sin talking to Ray. I look at Doc, and she whispers, “We’ve been trying to get her to wake up again. Greg did another blood panel on her. We’re trying to figure out what’s causing her pain.”
I nod.
Doc pats my shoulder, turning to speak with Cheryl. As I walk into the room, I see Sin sitting beside Ray’s bed, resting her head on her sister’s chest. She doesn’t notice me enter the room since she’s facing Ray as she continues talking.
“Dean, you need to get better. Everything is going to be okay. I’m not leaving you again. It’s going to be you and me, the DD sisters again. I promise. I won’t leave you again.”
Hearing Sin call Ray by Dean reminded me of when I called her DamnDean, which made her sad. She must have been thinking of her sister.
“So, you used to call her Dean?” I whisper.
Sin jumps up, startled.
I’m about to say sorry when she launches herself at me. I catch her, lifting her up and giving her all I got.
Just like Dallas did Doc. We need to be here for our women.
I squeeze her tighter as she lets go of everything she’s feeling. Sin’s arms are like vises around my neck.
“Shhh, I got you, beautiful. I’m here. Everything’s going to be okay,” I say, soothing her.
After a few moments, she pulls back to face me, and I smile.
“Hi, beautiful,” I say softly, caressing her face and moving her hair back.
Sin smiles back. “Hi.”
When we hear a machine beep, we look over and see Ray move.
She’s awake.
Sin rushes over to Raydene’s bedside, grabbing her hand as I approach the other side of the bed.
“Sis, you’re awake,” Sin says in a low, warming voice.
Raydene’s eyes move around the room, unfocused. She moves her head from side to side, looking around.
“Dean. It’s me. Dee. I’m here,” Sin says in a more worried voice.
I grab Ray’s other hand, and her head snaps in my direction. I smile.
“Hey, good looking. It’s me. Mac,” I say teasingly.
Ray grips both our hands as tears swell before falling.
I reach up with my free hand, wiping the tears away.
“Ray, don’t cry. You’re safe. Sin’s safe. I gotchu girls. I won’t let anything happen to either one of you,” I say exactly how I feel. I won’t let anything happen to them.
Ray’s eyes keep moving but in my direction. When Sin squeezes her hand and tells her she’s there with her, Ray’s eyes close, and she takes in a deep breath.
Ray rolls her head to Sin, opens her eyes, and tries to speak, but only a squeak comes out. Sin tells her not to talk to rest, but Ray’s face tightens as she gets upset.
“Hide,” Ray slurs, gripping both our hands.
Sin starts to cry.
“No one needs to hide. Peshkov isn’t going to hurt anyone anymore.”