Doc smiles, rubbing my sister’s hand and letting me have my moment.
I keep talking to her louder. “It’s me, Dee. I’m really here. Please wake up.”
We both sit there and watch for any sign she can hear us.
I pull up a chair next to the bed, sit down, and hold her hand.
Doc and I start to go back and forth with stories, and before we know it, we’re both laughing instead of crying.
Hearing the stories Doc’s telling has made me feel a bit better.
Both our phones ding.
I opened mine at the same time Doc did and see it’s a message from Mac. My heart jumps.
MAC: Hey Beautiful, I need to leave. But I’ll be back.
My heart constricts, wishing he was in here with me.
MAC: If you need anything, Redman and Chiv are here with the girls.
I look up and see that Doc is texting too. I’m sure it’s Dallas letting her know he’s going with Mac.
ME: Okay. Thank you.
ME: I’m with her now, but she’s not awake.
MAC: Keep me posted. I’ll be back soon.
ME: I will. Hurry back.
MAC: *emoji kiss*
I smile. This massive godly biker sends emoji kisses.
My mind runs wild with what he’s going to do. What would be so important that all the men are leaving? What ifs start to form, but I shake my head. My only thought should be of my sister.
After placing my phone down, I give her hand a squeeze.
Doc stands up and says, “I’m going to run out there really quick and give you a few minutes alone with Dean.” She giggles, using my sister’s nickname.
I nod. “Okay. Thanks.”
Once Doc’s gone, I lean over my sister, laying my head on her chest. I want to feel connected to her.
Whenever I was upset, she always had me lay my head on her lap and would play with my hair to calm me down.
Ray was born first by twenty-five minutes and took her ‘older’ status seriously. Always saying she was the oldest.
“Sis, I’m here. Please, do you hear me?” I ask.
When I feel her fingers move, I pop up off her chest.
“Dean, can you hear me?” I practically scream.