More tears escaped.
I try to think about my sister. Is this what Cindy went through? Oh God. Cindy! I hope she’s safe.
Doing everything I can to think of other things while the woman tries to get my body to react, attempting not to moan again. I don’t want them to think I like it, so I lie there and became more enraged. I concentrate on my hands and try to make a fist.
I hear Mistress’s heels move closer. “More, kiska.”
She replies, “Yes, Mistress.”
I peer open my eyes again, and this time, a blurry vision of a woman comes into view. She has long, brown hair.
The woman moves her hands down my stomach, cupping my private area. I try not to react. She leans down, placing a kiss on my lips before entering a finger.
I almost gasp but didn’t want to give her entrance to my mouth. Instead, I kept my muffles to myself, praying my body would not react to her touch.
She lifts her head only inches from me, but I don’t open my eyes. I’m using all my strength to push her out of my mind.
She whispers to me, “I won’t hurt you. Let me in. So, he won’t come.”
I don’t know what to do. Panicking, I open my eyes and see a small, topless, dainty woman above me. I could tell she used to be pretty, but she looks strung out now.
I blink a couple of times.
She moves in for another kiss, slipping two fingers in this time, and starts to motion them in and out.
I gasp.
She takes that cue and slips her tongue in slowly.
I gage feeling her tongue.
She withdraws slightly, making sure I don’t throw up, then takes my mouth with eagerness.
Oh God. I’m going to be sick. Don’t think. Close off my mind. FUCK!!
Her breasts rub against my side as she quickens her assault on me.
I cry out. This time, more than a moan comes out.
Mistress leans over at the head of the bed, tapping her shoulder. The girl moves up from my face, but her fingers keep entering me.
Crying, I beg for them to stop, and this time the words come out broken, “Pl…ea…se. Noo.”
Mistress leans down so her face is inches from mine. “If you don’t behave, myshka, I’ll send Ron in here to train you.”
I shake my head. NO. NO. NO.
I don’t say anything. Just lie there and let the tears flow down my face.
The girl moves, positioning herself between my legs, and increases her fingers, adding another one. I keep my eyes on Mistress and start to plot how I’m going to kill her.
The woman excitedly says, “Mistress, she’s very responsive.”
Mistress smiles down at me. “See. Behave, and it will all be over soon,” before looking at the girl and demanding, “More, kiska.”
I shake my head no but don’t say a word.
The girl starts to breathe heavily as if she’s getting herself off along with me. Her thumb swipes over my nub, and I feel my body contract as wetness forms between my legs.