Page 19 of Macon

“Are you fucking serious? Fuck no! You know I hate that motherfucker. I promise you I didn’t know,” I say emotionally.

I hear a long pause and then a deep breath, exhaling.

“Ya need to talk to Dex. Find out what he knows. Dis bad, Ray.” Vi’s voice is low.

“I will. I’m coming back,” I declare.

“Naw, it’s not good here. I’ll be in touch,” Vi announces.

“Fuck that,” I demand.

“We need you with Dex. Find out what’s going on,” Vi pleads.

Knowing she’s right, I need to find out what the fuck’s going on with Dex and all these people.

“Okay. I’ll talk to Dex,” I reply.

“Gotsta go. Love ya,” Vi says, hanging up before I can reply.

Past ~ 1 Month Prior

Brick is dead.

My club brother is dead.

I haven’t done well with death ever since my sister and auntie were killed. So, I’m well acquainted with it. We’ve had our fair share of club brothers pass, but we’ve had more than most these past few years.

I feel like every turn we make, we’re losing someone. We just went on a warpath, avenging our brother.

Pain and exhaustion have taken over. All I want to do is sleep. I lie in the hotel bed so exhausted I didn’t shower. I’m covered in blood. We took out a good chunk of the Chingas but haven’t gotten them all.

Everything has been a blur since the Chingas hit us at the clubhouse, killing Brick. Between looking for Raydene and the Chingas, I’ve gotten no sleep.

I lie here staring at the ceiling, extremely tired but afraid to fall asleep since the nightmares of my sister have intensified. All the killings, interrogations, and not knowing where Raydene is are taking a toll on my subconscious.

“Mac.” I look over and see Ray standing in the doorway.

“What the fuck?” I bolt up to a sitting position, looking around the empty room.

Wait? I wasn’t alone when we came back to the hotel. Where is everyone?

“Mac,” she says louder, not moving from the doorway.

I must be dreaming.

I try to stand up but can’t.

“Ray, come to me,” I say, reaching for her.

“Big Mac.” I snap my head and see my sister sitting on the other side of my bed.

No, no, no…this can’t be happening. Wake the fuck up!

I shake my head, but when I look up, both girls are sitting on either side of my bed.

“What do you want?” I ask them both.

“Big Mac.” My sister’s voice echoes through my head, but her lips don’t move. She just smiles.