Worm finishes pouring himself a shot. “Yeah, he said he was going to hang there and keep an eye on everything and for us to take care of the girls.”
When I returned to the clubhouse this morning, I thought about approaching Ray with all this information. She’s been texting me, but I don’t know what to say, so I’m waiting to talk to her tonight.
“Jesus Christ. What the fuck are they wearing?” Chiv grunts, looking toward the DJ booth. “Or not wearing. Fuck!”
Dallas speaks up, “Believe me, brother. I wanted to rip off that little thing she called a dress the minute I saw her. It’s taking everything I have not to go fuck her right now.”
“No wonder Maddox, Shy, Redman, and Quick are glued to their women up there.” Tiny laughs.
Raydene drops her first song. “Free Your Body” by Chris Lake and Solardo. Raydene bounces, shaking her head and singing the words. When the beat hits, Vi moves up next to her with one arm in the air, and within seconds, they’re moving together as one, dancing.
Fuck me.
“Jesus Christ,” I groan.
Dallas smirks. “You good, brother?”
Fuck no. I’m not.
I chuckle. “I’m good. My dick…not so much.”
“Right there with you, brother. Fucking fine as fuck,” Chiv announces.
I snap, “What the fuck?”
“Just saying, those bitches are fine as hell,” Chiv explains.
“Why aren’t you up there with Doc?” Tiny asks Dallas.
Dallas replies, “Because if I touch her, we’ll be fucking, and right now, I need to stay focused. I told her to go have fun with her friends.”
I nudged him. “Brother, go get some. We’ll be here watching over everything.”
Dallas asks me, “What time did Dexter get back to his hotel this morning?”
“He left Viktoriya’s hotel a little before noon,” I say, cracking my knuckles.
Quick and I were with them when Dexter got the text. He left the club alone, and we stayed with the other two men partying. Trey was sitting outside waiting for any of them to leave, so he followed Dexter. He followed him to Viktoriya’s hotel. So, we know they’re fucking for sure.
JJ and King were cool last night, and they acted like they were on vacation and only wanted to party and get laid.
The club is packed, shoulder to shoulder. I’m okay as long as we have eyes on Ronny and the Russians. Dexter, I wish he’d come. I’d love to handle him myself, but I have to remind myself that Raydene isn’t mine.
I shouldn’t have come tonight. I feel like I’m in one of those movies with everything in fast motion around me, but all I can do is watch Raydene on stage. The guys take turns having quickies with their old ladies, so what feels like minutes, I’m sure, has been an hour that I’ve just sat here.
I would have been more useful at the clubhouse surveying the videos. I’m too pissed off, and I don’t feel like partying. I want to get these motherfuckers.
All of our phones vibrate, making us all jump up.
Fuck, here we go.
Text messages start dinging rapidly.
WOLFE: Russians are on the move.
WOLFE: Dexter is on the move.
I look out across the club, making sure all our men are in place, just in case.