Needing to know more, I ask breathlessly, “Why do you stay with him?”
She snuggles into my chest. “Too many lies, secrets, and obligations.”
“Well, fuck me, that was a loaded answer. Where do I begin?” I chuckle, pulling her against my hardness, letting her know I want her.
“Not right now. Sleep,” she murmurs.
I don’t say anything. I lie there and watch as she falls back to sleep. I shift her hair away from her flawless face and wish I had known this last night. I’ve been a good boy, thinking she’s happy in her relationship. I mean, I knew she was a flirt, but given her job as a DJ, they flirt all the time. It’s their job to make people like them. I thought they were fighting a little, but what she said didn’t sound like a tiff.
A voice echoes in my head again. She’s not mine.
She snuggles closer into me as I caress her back. Her strawberry-blonde hair smells of lavender. I wonder if she’s a true blonde or redhead. I do love a crazy redhead. I swipe a strand of hair from her face and watch as she passes out.
Sleep, my little onion. I can’t wait to peel you to the core and find all your little secrets. Nothing like a challenge to get me going.
Past ~ 1 ½ months prior
I’m sitting at Club Spin, trying to contain my rage, or it could be all the cocaine I did last night while out with Raydene’s boyfriend.
The piece of shit doesn’t deserve her. I wanted to knock him out last night when he was finger fucking some bitch in the VIP booth.
“You really think he’ll show tonight?” Dallas asks, sitting next to me. We’ve been here for about an hour. Raydene and Vi are about to go on.
My mind races. Fuck, yes, he’ll show. The smug little fucker thinks he’s God’s gift to all women. He treats them like shit to boost his ego. The look on his face was priceless when he found out I knew Raydene.
“Yeah, that fucker was shocked when I told him she was playing again tonight. He didn’t seem happy,” I say, eyes glued to Raydene.
Yesterday, after we found Ronny from the Black Crows, a domino of events started. Ronny’s meeting with the Devil Duos, the Devil’s Dames, and the New York men. What took us by surprise was when the Russians and Dexter, Raydene’s man, showed up. Seeing him and his associates get out of the SUV shocked us all. So, tonight, we’re all on high alert.
Quick, Trey, and I followed Dexter and JJ and King, his two associates from Chicago to a club on W. 17th. Quick and I went into the club and ‘accidentally’ ran into Dexter in the VIP area.
Quick being quick mentioned his fiancée was Ruby, who worked at Spin It Inc. label, and all the cards fell into place. Dexter wanted to show off for his associates by inviting us to their party and acting like this big-time DJ.
I wanted to throw him under the bus and let them all know he can’t even DJ. Ray does all the work. They have a pre-mixed set, so when he goes on, he fakes it. It’s one of the secrets she’s been bearing all these years. He’s all show and a sleazy fucker.
All night, I kept asking myself what Ray sees in him. She tells me it’s an obligation, but I call bullshit. I’m over her using that fucking word. No obligation is worth living a life you don’t want.
“Are you going to talk to Raydene about running into him and what went on last night?” Dallas asks.
“I don’t know. Ray already told me they had an open relationship. So, I don’t think him fucking around is new to her.” I chuckled. “Plus, she isn’t innocent either.”
“You mean since you’re fucking her too?” Dallas laughs, taking a swig of my beer.
All the brothers think something’s happening, but I’ve been getting to know her. I was trying to be a nice guy by not fucking her. We have had a couple of heated makeout sessions, but nothing serious. I mean, I am a guy. But fuck that, now that I see what Dexter’s like, nothing is going to hold me back now. I’ve been peeling my little onion, getting information from her.
I nudge Dallas as more of our club brothers, Chiv, Worm, and Tiny, walk up to the VIP area.
“The Russians still haven’t left the hotel, and Ronny is still at the Devil Duo’s clubhouse. All teams have been relieved so surveillance is still going,” Chiv informs us, grabbing a beer from the bucket of beers on the table.
My leg starts shaking again. I need to talk to Raydene, but I’m waiting until after she is done DJing. I don’t want to ruin her night, but the rage inside me is bottling up, and I must tell her.
We’ve become close these past few weeks. She’s opened up to me about her life, revealing a few small secrets, but now that I’ve discovered this information about Dexter, I want to question her.
She talks about lies, secrets, and obligations. What the fuck are they? Did she know Dexter is linked to Ronny? Ronny is the guy who has terrorized her best friend for years. I hope she didn’t know.
The club decided we’d sit the girls down tonight and show them the timeline we came up with last night. Too much shit has happened this past year, linking each incident together. We are just missing the primary connection.
“Wolfe and them still at the clubhouse watching, or are they coming here?” Dallas asks.