Page 73 of Macon

When she finally stops, she turns to me. “Myshka, you better pray what you said is the truth. I will kill you myself. I don’t need this shit.”

I don’t say anything because I’m already praying I didn’t make things worse for me or Izzy.

Please, God. Please help me

“You have to stay in the conference room no matter what. Do you understand me?” I say to Sin in a more ordering tone than asking.

Since we received the call from Viktoriya, Sin’s been pacing my room.

“I don’t understand. Why would she bring her here? She’s after something,” Sin says, frustrated.

I don’t know what to tell her because we’re all in shock. Viktoriya called the clubhouse and said she might know where our friend is but wanted to sit down with Izzy first.

Of course, the clubhouse is in chaos, trying to figure out her play. We can’t get ahold of Dexter. No one has seen him since he returned to New York.

“Mac? Hello?” Sin says, stopping to look over at me.

I get up from the bed, moving toward her calmly. “I don’t know. None of us do, but we’ll sit down and figure it out. She’s coming here with only two of her men. A truce, she said. She’d get Raydene back if she could sit down with Izzy. She said she needed to ask Izzy a couple of questions.”

Sin moves away, not letting me hold her.

“It doesn’t sound right. Something isn’t right,” she declares.

A knock at the door lets me know it’s time.

I announce, “Yeah. Coming.”

I go to Sin, and she lets me pull her into my arms this time. “Please, stay with the girls. You’ll be able to watch and hear everything that is going on. Once they’re gone, you can come out.”

She nods, and I kiss her forehead before walking us out of my room and making our way downstairs to the conference room, where everyone is waiting.

Shy stands before everyone and announces, “Okay, Maze, you’ll be behind the bar. Snow and Izzy will be in here waiting until we call her out. Vi, I know you want to be out there, but I need you here with Sin. She’s going to want to run to her sister, but we need to keep both of you unseen. Even you, Vi. It’s better that way.”

I can see Vi wants to protest, but I think after everything in Chicago, she keeps her mouth shut and only nods. Looking over at Sin, she smiles.

Shy begins giving everyone their orders. “Redman will wait with Izzy and bring her to us at the table. Snow, I want you to go to the bar and wait with Maze. If they do have Raydene and bring her inside, I want you two girls to grab her right when she enters the clubhouse and bring her to the room across from here where Doc will be waiting to look her over and assess her.”

He looks to our club members and says, “I want men on the roof and each floor looking out for any signs that there are more of them. Chain and Jammer, I want you two to be ready when they leave. I want them followed, so we’ll know where they go. We still have no eyes on Dexter, so hopefully, they’ll lead us to him.”

Shy pauses, looking around the room, and says, “Wolfe, Redman, Mac, Cash, and I will sit at the table with them and hear what she has to say. Ultimately blocking and defending Izzy.”

Shy points toward the doors. “Blink and Chiv, I want you two at the front door. Once the prospects let you know they’re here, I want you two to check them before they enter.”

He looks around the room at everyone before finishing, “Everyone else, make yourself scarce but available. I want to ensure we’re one step ahead of whatever she has planned.”

I look over and see Izzy’s freaking out. Redman has her in his arms, whispering something into her ear. I’m sure he’s trying to calm her down.

Shy sees it too and says, “Iz, we will not let anything happen to you. I promise you that.”

All the men pound the table or shout out in agreement, letting her know we all have her back.

Izzy gives him a soft smile, but you can tell she’s scared. Shit, I would be, too, if the people responsible for your kidnapping wanted to sit down with you.

Redman says something to her again, but she cuts him off and announces to the room, “I want a gun!”

Everyone goes quiet.

In frustration, Redman’s face turns red. He fires off, “No, doll, ye don’t. I’m not letting them cunts near ya.”