We left the girls upstairs when Luc called to have a meeting. The clubhouse is packed with so many other chapters for tonight’s patch party.
“When is Dallas getting back?” Wolfe asks Shy.
“He should be back anytime. Vi and Doc want to come straight here, but Chiv told her he was going to stop at his place first so they could drop off the U-Haul and grab his bike,” Shy explains to the group.
We’ve been going over the details of Raydene’s last whereabouts. We’re all sitting around in our conference room, which we’ve turned into what looks like a control room.
On the wall, we set up a timeline of events that have occurred over the last couple of years. We added Sin and Molly being taken twelve years ago to the timeline. Also, added in Raydene and Dexter entering Alexandria’s life around the time all her shit happened.
We know it’s not the MCs since we have them on surveillance. The Russians have been here in New York the whole time, so we don’t think it’s them, but we can’t know for sure. Dexter just got back into town and is now with them, so we’ll know for sure soon.
Also, we don’t think it’s Karma from the Devil Damas since she was only really after Ginger and still hasn’t been seen.
Raydene canceled the hotel that Luc booked for them in Detroit. She flew there but on an earlier flight. With Vi’s help, we found out she had checked into a different hotel under her alias, which Vi knew. She paid cash but never checked out. They assumed she had left without checking out. The hotel room was clean, with no sign of struggle and nothing left behind. Raydene didn’t make her flight back, so the trail ended in Detroit.
Her last phone call was to Dexter, and she texted Vi, but then her phone was turned off, so nothing after that.
Blink has his connections working on all the Detroit leads, but everything is coming up empty. It’s like she vanished.
We’ve been in touch with Dexter, and he says he hasn’t heard from her but couldn’t really talk with her since he’s been with Viktoriya.
My phone dings, and I open Sin’s text.
Sin: Steve texted, and I told him I was with you. He’s going to call.
Me: Going to call you? I’ll be up there.
Sin: No. He’s going to call you.
Me: Ok.
I look up to the room and announce, “Dexter’s uncle Steve from the FBI is going to be calling me. Sin just got a text from him.”
Everyone acknowledges what I’ve said, but Luc’s phone rings loudly, distracting us.
He looks at the phone and answers right away. “Hey, Maggie.”
Everyone goes silent, knowing Maggie is Luc’s FBI connection. She found Ginger recently and has been an excellent ally to have.
“Yes, Macon Harding is here with me. Let me go get him, and I’ll put you on speaker,” Luc says, muting his phone. He looks at Wolfe. “We need to clear the room except those involved.”
Wolfe says, “Okay, everyone except Shy, Mac, Cash, Hawk, Blink, Luc, and whoever you want.”
The room starts to clear out of members when Luc announces, “Maddox, Ethan, Gus, and Reed stay.”
Once the room is cleared out and everyone is around the table, Luc moves his phone to the center and places it on speaker.
“Okay, go ahead, you’re on speaker. Mac is right here,” Luc says, nodding to me.
Maggie’s voice sounds from his phone. “Macon Harding, it’s Agent Hernandez. I’m here with Agent Steve Green. He needs to speak with you regarding Sharlene Hicks.”
Everyone’s expression is different as some don’t know Sin is Sharlene Hicks, so they don’t know who they are talking about.
I answer, “Hello, Maggie. I’m here.”
Steve’s voice bellows through the speaker. “Mr. Harding, I’ve become aware that you have Sharlene Hicks with you? Is that correct?”
I answer, “Yes, she’s here with me under my protection.”