Page 13 of What the Hex

Storm chuckled. While he would prefer for King to share his bed during the night, he supposed having him in the room next door to his suite was the next best thing. With that in mind, however, he couldn’t help but picture his mate flattened against the adjoining wall with his ear pressed painfully against the plaster. Or anxiously watching through the peephole for Priya’s departure.

STORM: Then why didn’t you come over?

KING: I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea.

STORM: Why wouldn’t it be?

Bouncing dots appeared on his screen, indicating King was typing, but after a few seconds, they disappeared. Storm waited, but instead of a new text, a response came in the form of a knock at his door.

Still grinning, he bounded over the back of the sofa to answer the summons.

“So?” King asked the moment the door swung open. “What did she say?”

“You worry too much.” Grabbing him by the elbow, Storm urged him across the threshold and into his arms. “Everything is going to be fine.”

King didn’t resist the embrace, but he sagged forward, and his shoulders rounded in a physical manifestation of his mood. “That’s not what I asked.”

“Priya is happy for us. She’s on board with the announcement, and she’ll talk to Damien and his manager to mitigate any backlash for him.”

King leaned more heavily against his chest, but it felt different now. More relaxed.

“Good,” he mumbled as he nuzzled against the side of Storm’s neck. “That’s good.”

Every cell in Storm’s body lit up, keenly aware of his mate’s closeness. His pulse sped. His breaths came faster and shallower. Saliva flooded his mouth, and the gums around his canines ached. A current of electricity raced across his skin, starting at the place where King’s lips rested against his neck and spreading to his extremities.

Blood that should have been fueling vital functions like higher reasoning and circulation pooled between his thighs, making his balls tighten and his cock swell. Yet, despite the interruption in executive reasoning, instincts told him that King wasn’t ready for the wicked things he wanted to do to him.

A kiss, however, just a small taste, might be acceptable.

Tucking a knuckle under his mate’s chin, he urged his head up. King’s content smile and slightly dazed eyes were almost his undoing, but he held a tight leash on his self-control as he leaned closer. He took his time, moving inch by inch while constantly monitoring King’s reaction.

When he detected no hesitancy or apprehension, he closed the final distance and slanted their mouths together in a slow, tender kiss. He kept the touch light, barely a brush of lips, encouraged when he encountered no resistance. So, he pressed a little harder, fusing their mouths together with more firmness, and he was rewarded with a quiet, enticing gasp.

Taking advantage, he slid his tongue along the parted seam of King’s lips, licking and teasing without entering. His mate’s answering moan knotted the muscles in his back and made his cock throb, but he continued his slow, gentle seduction, coaxing rather than demanding a response.

Eventually, his patience was rewarded when King leaned into him and darted his tongue out to meet Storm’s. It wasn’t a battle for control, but a tentative dance and a silent request for something more.

All too willing to oblige, Storm slid his hand along his mate’s jaw and around to palm the back of his head. He kept his hold light, more supportive than restrictive, and plunged his tongue between those plump lips. When King didn’t retreat, he pushed even deeper, licking and exploring the depths of his mouth.

The first taste was unlike anything he could have predicted. Bright and alluring, like perfectly sweetened lemonade on a hot summer day, the unique flavor seduced and enticed. When a quick inhale filled his head with King’s scent, the combination made his head spin, one only enhancing the other.

Fuck, everything about him was intoxicating and addictive. As much as he wanted to tumble King onto the sofa and lick every inch of him, he didn’t. Timing was everything, and apart from King not being ready to take that step, Storm didn’t want their first time to be rushed and fumbled. King deserved better than that.

Still, it was with great reluctance that he ended the kiss and smoothed his mate’s honey-colored curls back from his brow. With his eyes wide and dazed and his cheeks flushed, he looked absolutely edible.

Choking back a groan, he pasted on a smile and whispered a chaste kiss to his lips. “Are you ready?”

“For what?” King squeaked.

Storm chuckled. “The fan meet.”

“Oh, right. I knew that.” King took a deep breath and nodded. “Yes, I’m ready. Are you still sure you want to do this, though?”

“Absolutely.” Now, more so than ever. “You?”

King took a moment to think about it, then graced him with one of his signature smiles. “Absolutely.”

Chapter five