Page 8 of Blood Bound

There’s a moment of taut silence, and then all hell breaks loose. Voices rise in shock, disbelief, and what sounds disturbingly like approval. I shrink in my seat, overwhelmed by the reaction.

Gran waits for the noise to die down before continuing. “We bring this matter before the Conclave not only because of the apparent vampire involvement in Mia’s disappearance but also due to the unprecedented nature of Rowan’s connection to Darick Drake and the magical outburst that followed.”

She pauses, her gaze sweeping across the assembly. “We seek your wisdom and guidance in how to proceed, both in our search for Mia and in understanding the implications of these events.”

Gran takes her seat beside me. The silence that follows is deafening, filled with unspoken questions and barely contained reactions.

I take a deep breath, bracing myself for what’s to come.

“You…you killed a vampire?” Morgan barks out unexpectedly. “You killed a fucking vampire? Do you have any idea—?”

“Silence!” Without turning to look at him, Seraphina’s stony gaze falls on me, and my stomach does a somersault. “Rowan Blackwood,” she intones, “please step forward and share your account of these events.”

On shaky legs, I rise and make my way to the center of the room. I take a deep breath, pushing my glasses up my nose.

“I- I’m not sure where to begin,” I say, my voice trembling. Clearing my throat, I try again. “It started with voices in my head. At first, I thought I was going nuts.”

A few titters ripple through the group, and I feel my cheeks burn. But as I continue, my voice grows stronger.

“The voice belonged to Darick Drake, though I didn’t know it at first. We formed some kind of…mental connection. I could hear his thoughts, feel his emotions. It was intense and confusing.”

I describe our first meeting in the sacred grove, carefully omitting the more intimate details. As I speak, I notice the room hanging on my every word.

“The connection seemed to amplify my magic,” I explain, gaining confidence. “Spells that I could never manage before suddenly came easily. It was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.”

I pause, gathering my thoughts before tackling the hardest part. “During our last…” I clear my throat, “encounter, I saw something on Darick’s phone. Photos of my sister, Mia. She looked…she looked like she was being held captive, bound…bloody….”

Gasps and murmurs hiss around me. I press on, my voice steady now.

“I was overwhelmed with anger and fear. My magic just…burst out of me. I didn’t mean to, but suddenly, Darick was engulfed in flames. And then…he was gone. Just ash.”

There’s more of that deafening silence while I stand there, heart in my throat, waiting for someone to speak.

They all do. And at once.

I stand frozen in the center, frozen by the sudden onslaught of sound and fury as outraged voices bounce off of ancient stone walls.

“This is an act of war!” Aurora’s voice rises above the din as she stands. “The vampires have crossed a line. We must strike back immediately!”

The scent of ozone fills the air, crackling with the intensity of magical energy being unleashed by agitated witches.

“Wait!” Marina counters, her usually soothing voice sharp with urgency. “We can’t just rush into conflict without considering the consequences. What if there are other witches held captive?”


It’s something I never considered before, but I should have.

Lysandra rises, a hand raised. “We must consult the stars before making any rash decisions. The celestial alignments may offer guidance in these troubled times.”

A snort of derision cuts through the chamber. All eyes turn to Morgan Shadowmaster, his dark eyes glittering dangerously. “Stargazing won’t bring back the missing witches or protect us from further vampire aggression. We need action, not contemplation.”

The angry energy in the room feels like it’s pressing against my skin, hot and coarse. I can taste the metallic tang of fear and fury on my tongue.

“And what of Rowan?” someone calls out. “Her power has clearly grown. Could this be a sign? Some sort of omen?”

The attention swings back to me. It makes me want to disappear into the floor, wishing I were anywhere but here.

Astra Moonshadow rises. “We must tread carefully here,” she says, her tone measured but skeptical. “Illusions and hidden truths are my domain, and I sense there’s more to this story than meets the eye. Before we take any drastic actions, we need to uncover what’s really happening.”