A faint murmur answers me. I inch closer to the sound, trying to keep my voice low and steady.
“Listen, I’m going to find a way out of here. But I need your help. Can you tell me your name?”
There’s a long pause before a trembling voice responds, “Sarah.”
“Okay, Sarah. I’m Rowan. We’re gonna get out of here together, alright?” I try to inject confidence into my words, even as doubt gnaws at me. “Can you move? Are you hurt?”
“I- I don’t know,” Sarah mumbles. “Everything hurts. I’m so tired.”
I reach out, encountering bars – they must be what separates us. I fumble further, my hand finding her arm in the darkness. She flinches at my touch but doesn’t pull away.
“I know you’re scared,” I say softly. “But we can’t give up. There are people out there looking for us. We just need to hold on a little longer.”
I pause, listening for any sounds of approaching guards. When I’m sure the coast is clear, I continue, “I found something we might be able to use. A nail. It’s not much, but maybe we can pick the lock or…or something.”
Sarah’s breathing quickens. “They’ll hurt us if we try to escape. It’s better to just…just stay quiet.”
“No,” I insist, squeezing her arm gently. She’s so damned thin. “That’s not an option. They’re planning something big, and we can’t let them use us for it. We have to try.”
“We can’t,” she whimpers. “They’re coming. They’re coming!”
As she says it, I hear footsteps once more, and I tense as the sounds outside our cell grow louder. There’s a flurry of activity – equipment being moved, voices barking orders. Something’s changing, and my gut tells me it’s not good.
“Sarah,” I whisper urgently. “Can you hear what they’re saying?”
She whimpers once more, curling in on herself. “They’re coming,” she says yet again. “They’re going to take us.”
I strain my ears, catching snippets of conversation.
“…move her now…”
“…can’t risk waiting…”
“…if he gets here…”
My heart races. They’re planning to move me, and soon. If that happens, Darick might not be able to find me.
“No, no, no,” I groan, gripping the nail tighter. “Come on, Darick. Where are you?”
I reach out through our bond, desperately trying to boost the connection. But the wards in this place are too strong. All I feel is a faint warmth, not nearly enough to communicate.
Sarah’s breathing grows ragged. “It’s happening again. Just like before. They’ll take you, and I’ll never see you again.”
“That’s not going to happen,” I insist, even as doubt gnaws at me. “We’re getting out of here together, remember?”
But my words sound hollow even to my own ears. The activity outside is growing more frantic. Time’s running out.
I grip the nail so tightly it bites into my palm. My heart pounds, and I force myself to take deep breaths. I may not have magic right now, but I’m not going down without a fight.
I hear footsteps approaching, purposeful and steady. This is it. Whatever happens next could determine whether I live or die.
I hold my breath and brace myself.
Chapter 24