Page 51 of Blood Bound

“Rowan Blackwood,” I say the name and wait for the fallout.

“Hah!” Selene barks out a laugh. “Seriously. Who is she?”

“Rowan Blackwood,” I repeat. “She’s the one.” As the words leave my mouth, it strikes me that there’s a lot more to them.

She’s the one.

“But she tried to kill you.” Elias’s eyes are wide.

“It was a misunderstanding. I already told you that she thought I harmed her sister.” I don’t know why I feel the need to defend her.

“I fear you may be less than objective when it comes to the Blackwood girl,” Selene says drily.

“I really wish you had told us this sooner, Lord Drake.” Elias heaves a sigh.

“As I said before, Darick’s duties have not suffered in any way,” Marcus seems determined to support me. “And, like I said, he’s found his blood match, after all.”

“The witch who tried to kill him.” Selene’s voice is still dry.

Marcus shrugs as he repeats his earlier words to me, “She’ll come around. Our friend has certain charms when it comes to women.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” Selene responds, flashing a look my way.

“Look, I understand your concerns. But this…connection with Rowan doesn’t change anything. My priorities remain the same.”

Selene narrows her eyes. “Does it, though? A blood match isn’t just some casual fling, Darick. It’s a profound bond.”

“I’m well aware,” I say, unable to keep the edge from my voice. “But I’ve managed for a thousand years without letting my personal life interfere with my duties. That’s not about to change now.”

Elias leans forward, his expression thoughtful. “Actually, this could be a significant advantage. A blood match doesn’t just satisfy the Bloodbane – it amplifies our strengths. You could be more powerful than ever, Darick.”

I consider his words, knowing he’s right. I’ve never felt stronger than I have after drinking Rowan’s blood. “That may be true, but it also puts her in danger. Lucien already suspects something. He’ll try to use our connection to his advantage.”

As I speak, an image of Rowan flashes through my mind – her fierce determination, the fire in her eyes when she vowed to find her sister. I think of her unwavering loyalty to her family, her courage in the face of danger. She’s not just my blood match; she’s extraordinary in her own right.

Selene’s voice pulls me from my thoughts. “Regardless of the complications, you have our support, Darick. Your leadership is crucial, especially now.”

Elias nods in agreement. “We believe in you. Bloodbane or not, you’re the best hope we have against Lucien’s machinations.”

Their words of loyalty should reassure me, but all I can think about is Rowan. How do I protect her without pushing her away?

“Well then, now that we’ve got that behind us, let’s discuss our next move.” Marcus seldom leaves his role of strategist for long.

“We need to take some bold steps,” says Selene. “If Lucien is playing dirty, we have to blow his game out of the water. I say we take our findings to Arabella.”

I nod, processing the plan, weighing up the pros and cons. “At my last meeting with Arabella, he’d already started sinking his hooks in. Approaching her ourselves is our best move. We need to act before Lucien can spread his influence further.”

“So we go to her chambers with this?” asks Eliot.

I shake my head. “Too exposed. Lucien would know we were planning to meet with her and try to sabotage us.” I think of Valerian. He’s clearly an ally on some level.

Selene rubs her chin in thought. “The Salon Privé at the Nocturne Lounge would be perfect. It’s neutral ground, and we can control who enters.”

Marcus nods in agreement. “I’ll arrange it. Arabella won’t be able to refuse such a discreet meeting.”

The thought of returning to the Nocturne Lounge so soon sets my teeth on edge. The memory of Rowan’s face when she saw me with that witch is still fresh in my mind. But I push the discomfort aside. This is bigger than my personal drama.

“Good,” I say. “Let’s aim for tomorrow night if possible.”