Page 50 of Blood Bound

“Well, that’s where I come in,” Selene interjects. “Because it bears out some of the findings made by my team.”

I look at her. “Oh?”

She nods. “It seems that Lucien’s managed to manipulate a significant number of high-ranking vampires from the Umbran clan. We’ve heard of several of the elders signing over their holdings to the House of Umbra, with him as the trustee.”

“Interesting.” Marcus looks thoughtful.

“And curiously,” Selene goes on, “it’s not just Umbrans who have been doing this. A number of the other clans have had similar behavior.”

I ponder on this for a moment. Until it dawns on me. “He’s blackmailing them. Controlling them with blood.”

“You believe he could exert such a hold over them just with the promise of witch blood?” Elias cocks his head.

“Some,” I respond, thinking of my recent interactions with Marlowe. “But my guess would be that he’s threatening them with exposure if they don’t comply.”

Selene’s eyes narrow on me. “You think that could work?”

I pause for a second, weighing up my next words carefully. “He’s tried it on me.”

Selene makes a choking sound, and Elias’s mouth drops open. They’re both staring at me in horror.

Shit, maybe this was a mistake.

Then again, it has to come out eventually.

“You have the Bloodbane?” Elias says cautiously.

“Yes,” I say simply.

“How long have you known?” Selene asks.

“About a year.”

Marcus, who has remained carefully quiet, now speaks up, “It is under control. It has had no impact on Darick’s capabilities.”

I give him a tight smile. “My friend here is being optimistic. However, there is truth in his words. I haven’t felt any adverse effects.”

“Well, that’s good news,” says Elias.

“Until recently,” I add. Marcus frowns at me, but I continue. “When the witch, Rowan Blackwood, all but destroyed me with a sun blast, I took a knock.”

“What?” Selene snaps. “The young witch? She tried to kill you? Why the hell would she do that?”

“Because she thought I was responsible for the abduction of her sister,” I tell her. “But I believe now that Lucien is behind that.”

Elias is slumped back in his seat, looking more than a bit shattered. He and Selene exchange glances.

“Darick, I don’t want to seem unfair, but I’m beginning to think we backed the wrong horse,” she says. It doesn’t surprise me. Selene has never been one to pull punches.

“There’s nothing to worry about,” Marcus interjects. “Darick has found his blood match.”

“Marcus…” I say in warning.

“You have a match?” Elias turns to me.

I hesitate before answering but then eventually give a hesitant “Yes.”

“You don’t sound convinced.” Selene’s eyebrow is arched. “Who is she?”