Page 28 of Blood Bound

Kara’s voice takes on a hushed, almost reverent tone. “They say it’s hidden beneath the city, accessible only through a secret entrance. The most powerful vampires gather there, making deals and trading secrets. If we could get inside, we might be able to overhear something about Mia.”

I bite my lip, considering the risks. “Sounds dangerous.”

“Oh, it definitely is,” Kara agrees, but her eyes are shining with excitement. “But think about it, Ro. This could be our best shot at finding real information.”

I inhale a deep breath of hazelnut-scented steam, considering this for a moment. “I think it’s worth a shot,” I say eventually.

“You sure?” Kara asks although I know she’s already excited about the prospect.

“Mm-hmm.” I nod as I take a sip and put my cup down. “If you’d asked me six months ago, maybe not. But things are…different now.”

“Because you’ve got bad-ass powers.” Kara winks at me.

“Something like that.” I grin back.

Kara’s expression flickers for a moment. “About that…” She chews her lip. “Just how stable are these powers of yours? I mean…I know the connection with the vampire was a part of it – and seriously, there’s no judgment from me there; you did what you had to do – but if you’re not, um…involved with him anymore…”

“Will I still have them?” I finish for her.

Kara nods. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to offend you or anything. But this is all new to me.”

“Me too.” I smile. It’s a question I’ve been asking myself. “I’m not sure, Kara.” I sigh. “I guess I could lose them. I know they got stronger every time I saw him. I haven’t noticed them getting weaker.”

Or have I?

I run my mind back through the past couple of days. The only time I’ve used my magic was when Darick was around. First to blast him, then to warn him off.

You should have been practicing!

I take a deep breath, focusing my energy. “Okay, let’s see if I’ve still got it.” I hold out my hand, palm up, and concentrate on creating a small ball of light. For a moment, nothing happens, and I feel a flicker of doubt. But then, a warm glow begins to form above my palm, growing brighter until it’s a perfect sphere of golden light. As we watch, the sphere begins to clear, and in the middle, a tiny figure takes shape.

“Is that…Gran?” Kara peers closer. I smile and nod. We watch as our grandmother walks from her kitchen into her garden and begins pruning a huge drooping rosebush. Then she pauses, glances around, and waves as if she knows we’re watching.

Kara’s eyes widen in amazement. “Holy crap, Ro! That’s incredible!”

I can’t help but grin, relief and excitement bubbling up inside me. “I guess I haven’t lost my touch after all.”

We both burst into delighted laughter, the tension of the past few days finally breaking. It feels good to share this moment with my sister, to see the pride in her eyes.

“So,” Kara says, tilting toward me across the table conspiratorially, “how about we put those shiny new powers of yours to good use?”

I extinguish the light and raise an eyebrow. “What did you have in mind?”

“Well, if we’re going to infiltrate a vampire hangout, we’ll need all the protection we can get. I’m thinking we combine our strengths – my traditional spells with your…whatever this is.” She waves her hand at me, grinning. “We could create some seriously powerful wards.”

I nod, warming to the idea. “You’re right. If we work together, we’d be a force to be reckoned with.”

“Exactly!” Kara’s eyes are sparkling with excitement. “Now, let’s talk strategy for the Nocturne Lounge. First things first – what are we going to wear?”

I groan. “Please tell me we’re not going shopping.”

Kara rolls her eyes. “Come on, Ro. We need to blend in. Think dark, mysterious, maybe a little sexy. Nothing too witchy, though. We don’t want to give ourselves away.”

“Fine,” I concede. “But I draw the line at stilettos. I need to be able to run if things go south.”

“Run? After what I just saw,” she gestures to my hand, “I wouldn’t be surprised if you could fly!”

“Fly?” I laugh and then wink at Kara. “Don’t tempt me!”