I nod, relieved to shift the focus. “Yeah, it’s…it’s been different. Stronger, like you said.”
Kara’s eyes light up. “How so? Can you do new spells? Or are your old ones just more powerful now?”
“Both, I think,” I say, warming to the topic. “It started with little things; a levitation spell that day we met at the coffee shop. I’ve never been able to do anything like that before. Then, I tried stronger things. Like the Spirit Circle. You saw what happened there. And then when I blasted…” I trail off. None of us need to be reminded of what happened when I unleashed my full power on Darick.
“That’s fascinating,” Kara muses. She turns to Gran. “Is that normal? For a connection with a vampire to boost witch powers?”
Gran looks thoughtful. “The blending of vampire and witch energies can create…surprising results.”
“What about Darick?” Kara asks, turning back to me. “Did he have any changes in his abilities?”
I shift uncomfortably, aware of Dad’s scowl deepening. “He…he said he felt different after we…connected. Stronger, maybe? But I don’t know the details.”
“Interesting,” Kara murmurs. “And this psychic link – could you read his thoughts? Or was it just feelings?”
“It was like we could speak to each other,” I explain. “Sometimes I could feel what he was feeling, but it’s not like I can riffle through his mind or anything.”
Kara nods, clearly intrigued. “And how did it start? Was it gradual, or did it just hit you all at once?”
“Kara! I hardly think this is relevant.” Dad looks thunderous.
“But it is, Dad!” Kara looks in his direction. “If we know what this is, we can use it. To find Mia!” Her expression is animated. “Now that we know she’s alive and with the vampires, we can—”
“Our best chance of finding Mia is to work with the Conclave, Kara. Going off half-cocked is going to end up in disaster and probably put more of our family at risk.” Dad’s jaw sets. “I won’t have that, Kara. I can’t.” His voice cracks.
Oh, God, he’s hurting.
“Now, now,” Gran says, her voice calm but carrying that undeniable authority that always makes us all sit up and listen. “While I understand your concerns, Lake, I think we’re missing an opportunity here.”
Dad looks in her direction. “Opportunity? Mother, surely you’re not suggesting—?”
Gran holds up a hand, silencing him. “I’m suggesting we look at this situation from all angles, son. Yes, there are potential dangers in Rowan’s connection to Darick Drake. But there might also be significant benefits.”
I feel a surge of hope at her words. Finally, someone who isn’t just seeing this as a disaster.
“What do you mean, Gran?” I ask eagerly.
She looks at me, her expression thoughtful. “Your powers are considerable, dear. With some training, you’re going to be a formidable witch.”
My chest almost swells at her words and I nod, remembering the rush of power I’d felt, the way magic had flowed through me like never before.
“Well,” Gran continues, “I believe we could use this to our advantage. Along with your link to the vampire.”
“How?” Mom asks, looking anxious.
Gran’s eyes meet mine. “Rowan’s connection to Darick could provide us with insights into the vampire world that we’ve never had before. And combined with her power—”
“Rowan. We need to speak.”
The words come out of nowhere, and I get such a shock that I knock over my water glass.
“Shit!” I blurt as I make a grab for it. Too late. The tablecloth is soaked.
“It’s important,” the voice continues. That voice. His voice.
“Shut up!” I say hoarsely.
“What?” says Dad.