Page 69 of His Big Bad Stick

Time speeds up. Everything speeds up.

Now I’m back at her place.

After moving all those paintings.

She’s on her knees, sucking my cock.

Her mouth making wet noises, on purpose. Driving me fucking crazy. Her sloppy tongue smacking at me. Her hands gripped tight, pumping, begging for my cum.

“Fuck,” I yell as I throw the pillow across the bed.

My right hand moves even faster and I squeeze the head of my cock so hard, it hurts a little.

My body tightens up and I jerk forward.

A white rope of cum shoots past the shirt on the bed.

I lean forward and grunt over and over, my hand riding my cock down and back up, stroking and draining myself of my own seed.

I take deep breaths and keep closing my eyes, watching the images of Abrielle fade away.

Which is good.

Which is what needs to happen.

Like I told her already a couple times…

It’s done.



The emptiness of the building makes me feel uneasy.

Each time I step into this place I feel two intense things.

First, I feel excitement.

How can I not feel excitement? I’m on the verge of opening another gallery. My gallery. No contracts. No outside nonsense. No man involved…

Which instantly makes me feel the second intense thing.

The memory of Colver.

It’s been a month since I saw him last. Since he walked out of my apartment. A part of me not wanting to believe that he would actually stay away. No reason to believe otherwise other than my flirty fantasies and wild desires that burned heavily deep within my core. My body knowing that what Colver gave to me I’d spend a long time trying to find again.

Can one dick really matter that much? Honestly. Think about it. Amazing, wild, hot sex. Does that mean I’ll never enjoy myself ever again?

Well, here’s what I can officially tell you.

My nightstand has an array of toys that don’t come close to making me feel what I did with Colver. And I’m talking a little of everything. Toys that buzz. Toys that shiver. Toys that move. When I open the drawer and look, it makes me blush at the collection I’ve gathered.

As far as the real thing goes?

I’ve been too busy with my new gallery to even think about it.

But not too busy to use toys?