Page 22 of His Big Bad Stick

That’s a world that means nothing to me.

Other than Archer waiting for me at my locker every single day.

Constantly asking me out on a date.

Chances are he’s doing this as a joke. He wants to ask me out, get me to say yes and then humiliate me.

Today is no different.

End of the day and Archer stands at my locker. Completely blocking it.

“You look pretty today,” he says.

“Yup,” I say.

“I’m not moving until you kiss me.”

“I will knee you in your balls so hard you’ll sound like a cartoon character for the rest of your life.”

“So you’re thinking about me down there then,” Archer says.

“Go away,” I say.

“Make me.”

“If I hurt you… just think about your reputation…”

“You can try to hurt me,” Archer says. “But I promise…”

Archer’s voice fades away and he steps to the side, allowing me into my locker.

It’s like someone smacked him across the face and told him to shut the fuck up.

It’s weird.

“We’re far from done,” Archer growls at me before he walks off.

I look behind me, then to my right.

I see the towering figure of Colver.

Colver didn’t scare Archer off… did he…?

Colver’s father buys me a big, fancy easel.

It’s in my room waiting for me, along with Mom as she holds a glass of wine.

Her eyes are glazed and she looks tired.

That’s the first uh-oh moment.

I wonder if I should just pack my bag now…

“Look what Jack got you,” Mom says.

“Wow. That’s nice of him to do.”

“It sure is. It’s nice to be welcomed somewhere. To be accepted.”