Page 125 of His Big Bad Stick

It’s not fair.

Yet I can’t help myself.

“If I leave here you’re going to climb up on that ladder again,” he says to me. “I know it. You’re too worried and stubborn to listen. So I’m going to have the guys put the lights up for you.”

“A bunch of hockey players…”

“It’s an off day,” he says. “I’m not allowed to see them for any official game reason.”

“You miss your friends,” I tease.

Colver quickly slides a hand to the back of my neck, taking a very commanding grasp.

My panties are no longer wet. They’re soaked. Uncomfortably soaked now.

“I don’t have friends, kitten,” Colver whispers. “Friends come with favors and problems. I have teammates. Brothers on the ice. That’s it. They’re showing up for me, for you, and for our baby.”

I love when he gets annoyed and flustered like this.

Whether Colver likes it or not, I’m starting to figure him out. What makes him tick. What pisses him off (that one is easy - everything). But I know some truths about him. About his heart. Him admitting he cares about me.

Even his hand on the back of my neck – he’s applying the perfect amount of pressure to make my panties drip but not too much to hurt me.

Commanding and controlling but never too far.


Strong, tough and mean and… loving.

A breath escapes between my lips as I feel my cheeks gently becoming warm.

Colver leans down and brushes his lips to mine.

His free hand touches my stomach.

“I’m going to take care of you, kitten. In all the ways needed and wanted. So go get some coffee or some kind of sugary baked good and park your pregnant ass in a chair or on the counter and do nothing.”

That actually sounds like heaven.

But there’s no way in the world I’m going to admit Colver is right.

“I have to see this,” Jess says.

She has extra help at her coffee place so she gets two coffees and six of her famous cinnamon donuts and we walk to the gallery.

I can see her already licking her lips.

“Are you a hockey fan?” I ask.

“No. Not at all. But I’m sure these men are huge. Right?”

“You’ve seen Colver,” I say.

“Oh, I’ve seen Colver,” Jess says with a smirk. “Between your legs…”

“Stop it!” I yell. “We said we’d never talk about it again!”

Jess laughs.