Page 37 of Tough Score

Grabbing my sleepwear from the dresser, I head to the bathroom for a quick shower. The hot water washes away the grime and tension of the day, but does little to calm my racing thoughts.

As I towel off and change, my eyes fall on the baby monitor sitting on my nightstand. A smile tugs at my lips, imagining Reeve on the other end, probably engrossed in another nature documentary. Or maybe he already fell asleep.

I crawl into bed, pulling the covers up to my chin. Just as I'm about to turn off the lamp, I hear his voice.

"Testing—testing—you there Keeks?" Reeve's voice sounds surprisingly crisp through the monitor with a new nickname to add to the pile.

I hit the button to let my voice through. "I'm here. I just got home a little bit ago and took a shower."

He lets out a sigh of relief. "I thought I heard an apartment door close down the hall. Glad to hear you are safe on the other end. Is it stupid that I was up all night worried about you?"

My heart squeezes at his admission. "It's not stupid, just unnecessary. I don't know if you put out an ABP, but the team wouldn't let me so much as scratch my own nose with less than three of them watching my every move."

"Sorry. I guess they took it seriously when I told them that if a single strand of hair on your head gets injured tonight, I'll take a bat to my bum knee."

I giggle, knowing full well that he wouldn't actually go through with that, it's a little dramatic but I doubt he actually told the guys that. My guess is that he saves the theatrics just for me. But the thought was sweet, hinting that my safety is more important than his career. And I guess he's already proven that based on the fact that he's lying in his bed across the hall with an ice pack on his knee and half of the right side of his body is bruised.

"Well, I appreciate the concern, but I promise I can take care of myself, though my uncle walked me out to my car himself this time. He says he drives around during the day when the bar is closed and looks for sedans with a smashed-in front end that looks like they hit a six foot three, two hundred and forty-pound hockey player. How are you feeling? Did you ice your knee like we discussed?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Reeve replies, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I've been a good patient, following doctor's orders to the letter."

"I'm impressed," I tease. "And here I thought I'd have to wrestle you into compliance."

There's a pause, and when Reeve speaks again, his voice is lower, more intimate. "You know, if you wanted to wrestle me, Doc, all you had to do was ask. Just be forewarned, I took first place in my weight class at my high school's state wrestling championship in my senior year."

"In your dreams, Aisa," I retort, trying to keep my voice light.

"Oh, you have no idea," he chuckles, the sound rich and warm through the monitor.

I curl onto my side, clutching a pillow to my chest. "So, what thrilling documentary did you watch tonight? More whale mating rituals?"

"Actually, I switched it up. Learned all about the courtship of emperor penguins. Did you know they're monogamous and mate for life?"

I smile at his enthusiasm for animal facts. It's endearing how much a brawny hockey player enjoys learning about nature.

"I did know that, actually. They're quite romantic for birds, aren't they? The male even incubates the egg while the female goes off to feed."

"Look at you whipping out animal facts all willy-nilly like some kind of hot zoologist," Reeve says, his voice warm with admiration. "I can already imagine you in a pair of sexy khaki shorts and hiking boots. Please tell me you have a pair."

"Of course I do," I say, deciding to play along.

"Please tell me you're wearing them now," he says in a sexy bedtime voice that's doing more for me than it should, considering he's only teasing.

"I'm rolling on my calf-height wool socks now," I tell him.

"Oh God, I'm going to come," he chokes out.

"I'm glad you're so easy."

I hear the deep rumble of his laugh. It's smooth but raspy at the same time. The kind of sound that makes me clench my thighs together.

"You could be the elephant poop scooper, and I'd still line up to take you home at the end of the workday--after I hose you down first. I mean, don't get it twisted Keke, I'm not just after your brains. I like your body too," he teases.

"So eloquent and genteel--and wildly generous with your compliments. It's a wonder that some lucky lady hasn't snatched you up already." I can already imagine the wide grin across his lips. "And although I appreciate all the new career prospects you've given me to consider, I think I'll stick to physical therapy."

"Disappointing, but a good choice."

"Speaking of which, how's the pain tonight? There are alternative methods for pain management that we haven't discussed yet."