Page 77 of Lucky Score

But when I walk out to the kitchen, Brynn and Rita are already sitting at the table with a cup of tea, and breakfast is already made.

"You're here early. Is everything okay?" I ask, a little surprised to see Rita in my kitchen.

"Well, good morning to you too," Rita says, pretending to be offended. She's been around long enough to know what she gets with me. "And yes, everything is fine. Marie called this morning and said that their power is back on. I figured I should drive down to check on my house, too. Then I saw Brynn in the kitchen window and decided to stop in first to invite you both over for dinner tonight. Just a little thank you for yesterday."

Dinner with Brynn?

Spending any more time together than absolutely necessary has proven not to be a smart idea.

"Tonight isn't exactly a good night. Cammy's flying in tomorrow, and there are still a lot of repairs I need to get done before she gets here," I say.

Brynn looks over at me when I mention my niece's name, but I don't feel the need to explain that Cammy is my eighteen-year-old niece.

With Cammy coming to visit, I'll need the guest bedroom back. Otherwise, Cammy will be sleeping on the pull-out couch in the living room, and that's not my favorite scenario. I want Cammy to always feel like she has her own space and that I prioritize her.

Back in Seattle, during the season, Cammy and I don't see each other as much as I'd like. Between my out-of-town games and her taking on extra classes in order to fast-track her sports management degree, I typically can only count on seeing her during my home games. But I'm happy to see her sitting in my seats every time I play on home ice.

She's family, and since I'm not speaking to anyone else, I'm glad to have her living close, though I don't like how some of the rookies look at her when she meets me down at the locker rooms at the end of the game.

As soon as Silas calls me back this morning to let me know if they have any availability, I'll know if I can move Brynn into a hotel room by tomorrow morning.

After last night, I think it's time to put some distance between us.

I walk over to the coffee maker, load a single pod into it, and then push the start button.

"Don't be a buzzkill. I'll make your favorite," Rita entices.

"What's his favorite?" Brynn asks, pulling her cup up to her pink lips.

I wish I didn't know how good her mouth tastes… or every other inch of her. And if I'd been able to control myself with her last night, I wouldn't have her sweet taste still lingering on my tongue.

"He loves my signature jambalaya, fried Cajun shrimp, hush puppies, and dirty rice. But I make it with a flare. It's a family secret recipe," she tells Brynn. "If you want to win Seven over, the quickest way is to his stomach. Which I can already see that you figured out."

I follow Rita's attention over to the piles of food that Brynn made this morning. I hope that she didn't slave away on Rita's advice because what happened between us last night is beyond what a tall stack of pancakes can fix.

"Actually, breakfast is more of a thank you and a sorry for last night," Brynn says.

I glance over to find Brynn sending a quick look my way. I don't know if the thank you is for the multiple orgasms last night or for scaring off the asshole who grabbed ahold of her, but I have a damn good idea of where the sorry is coming from.

"Those boys sitting at that table? I can't believe what Marie told me had happened. It was a good thing that Seven was there to kick them out. I'm so sorry that you experienced that situation last night. I always want people to feel safe in our establishment. "

"It's okay, really," Brynn says. "And dinner sounds delicious; thank you for the offer. I can't speak for Seven, but I'm free. Can I bring anything?"

"Just yourself," Rita says and then looks over to me. "And can you put something in the firepit for tonight? I think a celebratory bonfire that our houses are still standing is in order. Brynn over here told me that you haven't had one while she's been here yet."

When exactly did she think we would have had time?

The night Brynn showed up at my house attempting to break in? Or the night after that when a hurricane was threatening to blow down both of our houses?

"We haven't had a bonfire yet because we were a little busy trying to stay alive, Rita," I tease her.

"Oh, you and your excuses," she says, waving me off. "Tonight is the night then. And I have the perfect bottle of wine to pair with it. I'd better get back to the house and get to cooking. See you two later."

I watch from the kitchen island, sipping on my just-brewed coffee, as Rita gets up, leaves her mug of tea on the table, and then walks out.

The door opens and then closes behind her, and I watch out the window as Rita strolls back over to her house.

"I made breakfast," Brynn says.