Page 96 of Lucky Score

"It's nothing crazy, but I want to try to check off as many items as possible before leaving."

"It looks like you've made some progress. Number seven, "Have a fling in Mexico," is checked off," she smirks over at me, and all I want to do is slink under the table and hide by burning red cheeks. "Does the number have any correlation with the man?"

Damn it, I didn't think about how she might draw a conclusion that her uncle is the one responsible for completing that task. And in my defense, I listed the activity as number seven before I even left Seattle. That's a pure and unfortunate coincidence.

I divert my attention away from her to hide the obvious tell across my face. The last thing I want to do is discuss what happened between me and Seven to his eighteen-year-old niece, nor do I think Seven would appreciate me divulging the details to a member of his family.

"Sorry, that's none of my business," she says and then glances back at the list. "This guy… the boyfriend that you're not currently dating, is he bettering himself for you during this break, too?"

I think about it for a second, but the only thing he's mentioned working on before we get back together is his career.

"Not exactly. I'm sort of the one with the neurosis that needs to be fixed, not him."

I heard what I said the second I said it. It's a little hard to take back now.

Cammy shoots me a look with a lifted eyebrow. The kind of look people give you when they think you're exaggerating. If only she knew that I wasn't. If she asked her uncle, I'm sure he could tell her about the time he had to break into his own bathroom when we lost power and I screamed like I was trapped inside with an ax murderer. Or the time I had a panic attack the night of the storm and he brought me into his bed to monitor me all night.

I'm a mess, and Seven can vouch for that. I do have things to work on, and I have every intention of doing them.

Cammy looks back over at the list.

"Ok, well, you're in luck. We can check another one of those items off today."

"We can?" I ask, unable to hide my intrigue.

"My lunch shift is almost over and I'm taking Rita's car over to the marina to meet my uncle to go fishing. Come with us."

My instant reaction is to jump on the opportunity. Cross off another item would feel like a huge accomplishment today, especially since my time here is running low. The thing is, I can't imagine that Seven will be thrilled with being stuck on a boat for hours at a time with me.

"As much as I'd like to say yes, I don't think your uncle would love that idea."

Her eyebrows scrunch together. "Why not? He won't even know you're there. The boat is huge and he's only taking me out because I begged him. If you haven't noticed, my uncle can kind of be a stick in the mud. I'll have more fun with another girl around and he'll leave us alone to fish by ourselves. Please come?" she asks, practically batting her eyelashes.

The offer was already too good to pass up, and now, with her begging, I can't turn her down.

"Ok, I'll come. But if he's pissed off when we show up, I'm leaving. Can you give me a minute to change and take my laptop upstairs?"

Cammy beams back at me and claps her hands together.

"Absolutely! I'll meet you out front in ten minutes."

I watch as she pushes herself out of the booth and then makes large slides towards the kitchen doors.

Before Cammy disappears into the kitchen, I see Josslin get up for her booth from the corner of my eye and head straight for Cammy. Josslin doesn't look happy when she approaches, and Cammy seems almost annoyed. I'm too far away to hear them but it doesn't take long before Cammy turns and walks away leaving Josslin standing outside of the kitchen doors alone and fuming.

Josslin turns towards me, her eyes narrowed, but she doesn't head towards my direction. She turns and leaves and I have to wonder why she's so upset with Cammy.

I close my laptop and slide out of the booth, wondering what people wear on fishing excursions.

Eleven minutes later, I speed walk out of the restaurant and out to the parking lot looking for Cammy. I lost track of time texting my mom about how my book is coming along and updating her on my new living arrangements.

I hear a car horn honk and then the same newer truck that I've seen in Rita driveway pulls up with Cammy at the wheel. I start walking towards her when she yells out to me.

"You look cute! Let's go," she yells.

"Thanks," I yell back.

I glance down at my outfit as I walk. I chose a pair of distressed denim shorts that Daniel always says makes my butt look good, and a racerback tank top and sports bra, that admittedly shows off more of my cleavage than is necessary for a fish trip, but it's hot today and I'd rather avoid pit stains in a t-shirt since we'll be out in the sun. Paired with a set of leather flip flops and a Scallywag's baseball cap with my ponytail pulled through it, I'm ready to knock off this next item on my list. And hopefully Seven isn't too pissed off that I'm joining in.