Page 61 of Lucky Score

If he didn’t feel guilty about it, then he wouldn’t feel the need to hide it.

He’s allowed to sleep with other people and so am I.

“No, it’s not against the rules. I agreed to sleep with other people. Thank you for calling around but I think I’ll stay where I am for now. Seven and I are just starting to get along, and I feel safe with him since the power is still out all around the area.”

“Are you sleeping with him?”

There’s almost an accusatory sound in his voice as if me sleeping with Seven would be wrong.

"Would it matter if I did?" I ask, throwing the same question back at him.

"He's just going to use you, Brynn. You're beautiful and vulnerable. Assholes like him prey on women like you."

"Women like me? Maybe I'm using him too? Have you considered that?"

"Brynn, I'm just worried about you. I don't want you thinking that something more is going to happen with him and you give up what's real between us."

“I have to write. I'll talk to you later."

I hang up before he can respond.

I can't believe he thinks he can demand an answer from me when he won't be honest about whether or not he has a woman staying over right now. Even so, I don't like the feeling of hanging up on Daniel. With so little communication between us over the last seven months, I hate that this is how the conversation ends. But whatever jealousy he's dealing with right now isn't fair.

No matter what squabbles we’ve gotten in over the years, I’ve never hung up on him once. We usually are good about talking through our issues even if we don’t see eye to eye. But this… this is too much.

Maybe Sheridan is right.

Maybe I need to dip my toe in a new ocean, just like Daniel.

Here we are, three weeks from getting back together, and he's still actively sleeping around.

Though it sounds so juvenile, maybe I need to even the score so that Daniel and I can move on from this and start fresh when we get home.

Can I live the rest of my life with Daniel, knowing that he took full advantage of the break and I didn’t?

I’m just not sure anymore. Especially since he just acted as if there is a double standard to the "sleeping with other people" rule.

Daniel tries to call me back, but I send it to voicemail, and then a text pops through.

Fiancé: I can’t believe you just hung up on me. You never hang up on me.

I don’t like the way that things are changing between Daniel and me, but until we’re both back in the same city, what can be done to salvage this right now?

I pull my laptop over and start writing to distract myself. I can't fix things between us right now, but I can finish this book so that I can focus on us when I get home.

After taking a look at the fridge in the kitchen, Seven went back outside.

The restaurant stayed busy the entire time and I tried to get up and help but Rita told me that if I really wanted to be helpful that I would save my energy for the lunch rush.

Luckily, between the time Seven left and when the lunch rush started, I was able to get in almost two hours of writing, and I’m glad I did because Rita wasn’t kidding. The lunch rush was almost double the number of people as the breakfast rush.

Word was starting to spread that Scallywag’s is open for business, and since many people are still complaining about not having power, they know they can get a hot meal here at Rita’s place.

Marie kept putting up the receipts from the pile that Seven had purchased, along with receipts from other contributors, and it still felt like Seven’s stack wasn't decreasing in the least. How many meals did he sponsor?

Another break between lunch and dinner came, and I was able to get even more writing done.

I contribute the increased word count to the adrenaline, and running around during the rushes helps me think clearer between breaks.