Page 60 of Lucky Score

“I’ll see you later?”

I nod with a bite of food still in my mouth.

“Have a good lunch rush,” he says with a grin and then scoots out of the booth.

I start to dig back into my food when a call comes through.

Fiancé calling…

I pick it up and slide to answer.

It has to be getting late there.

Maybe midnight?

“Hi,” I say.

“Hey, I called around during every break I had today to get you out of Wrenley’s house with no luck. There’s nothing available right now. I called the airline, and they resumed operations starting this afternoon, but I couldn't get you a flight out any earlier than your original departure. They said everything is booked solid for the stranded passengers.”

His voice seems to echo like he’s in a bathroom and… is he whispering?

“Are you okay? Are you in a tunnel or something?”

“No, I’m just sitting in the bathroom.”

In the eight years that Daniel and I have been together, I’ve never received a phone call from him while he’s in the bathroom.

He’s always told me that it’s an odd place to start a conversation.

He used to say that if the conversation isn’t important enough to warrant a certain amount of decorum, then it’s not important enough to make.

“Why are you sitting in the bathroom, and why are you whispering?” I ask.

There’s a short pause for a second on his end.

“I’m… I’m not whispering. It’s just late. I don’t want to wake the neighbors. The walls are thin in this apartment.”

I don’t know why but something just isn’t sitting right.

“Is someone else there?”

I swore to myself that I would never ask this question, because God knows I don’t really want to hear the answer, but there's a nagging feeling in me that says I should know before he and I get back together.

“What do you mean by “someone else”?”

He doesn’t want me to clarify the question; he’s just trying not to answer it.

I know he’s been seeing other people, and he’s allowed, but how badly he wants me out of Seven’s house, I need to know if he’s currently sleeping with anyone.

“Daniel, do you have a woman in your bed right now?”

Even hearing the words come out of my mouth makes my stomach a little queasy.

Again, there’s another small pause.

“Would it matter if I did? It’s not against the rules.”

I know we agreed to date other people, but his refusal to admit it makes this feel more like infidelity than it should.