Page 54 of Lucky Score

“How about whatever Miguel wants to make us? Tell him to make whatever is easy and that takes the least amount of effort," Seven tells her.

Then his eyes shift to mine. "Is that okay?"

“I trust you,” I tell him.

He looks back at Rita. “I’ll get us bottled water from the back. You don’t need to.”

“You’re a lifesaver; thanks for coming. I’ll get you chips and dip,” she says, about to rush off.

“Don’t worry about that either. I’ll take care of it. We'll be fine, just take care of your customers,” Seven says, pushing out of the booth to retrieve the items he just mentioned.

She pats him on the shoulder and then scurries off to the next thing.

“Do you want chips and salsa? It might be a while before we get our food.”

“Sure, if it isn’t any trouble.”

“No trouble. I’ll be right back.”

Seven walks off, weaving through the crowds of people, and I take the time to start pulling out my laptop. I glance under the table, and I’m in luck that there’s a plug-in outlet under the table, and it takes my kind of plug-in.

I ordered an adapter online before I left the States just in case I’d need one but I’ve been lucky so far.

A few minutes later, Seven comes back with bottles of water and a basket of chips and dip.

He sets it all down on the table, but he doesn’t sit down.

I grab a chip from the basket and dip it into the salsa.

"Whoa. I think that's the best salsa I've ever had. Is that Mango I taste too?"

Seven grabs a chip, dips it into the salsa, and tosses the entire chip in his mouth. He chews for a second, like he's trying to taste the mango.

"Probably. Miguel is an incredible chef. He makes everything from scratch, and he likes to change it up."

"You're not kidding," I say, going in for another chip.

“I’m going to check on the generator while we wait for our food. It might be a while before Miguel gets to our ticket, and I don’t want him to lose power while he’s trying to get everyone fed. Will you be ok by yourself?”

“Yep, I’m all set. I can write while I wait."

Even if I had nothing to do, I would understand. I invited myself on this excursion, and everyone but me is pitching in to help the people who still have no power… or worse.

“I’ll be back in a little while. Hopefully, it’s an easy fix.”

Then he turns to leave, and I watch him head for the front door.

I reach down, plug in my laptop, and then set it on the table to start working.

In the last few days, I’ve completed several chapters, and Sheridan is really happy with my progress. However, I need to keep up my momentum if I want to finish this book by the deadline.

I push the power button on my laptop and wait for it to load. While I wait, something catches my eye. I look over to find Seven talking with one of the hostesses.

He hands her what looks like a credit card, and she nods and walks over to the cash register.

A minute later, she walks back over to him and hands him his card. He puts it back in his wallet and then walks back out of the front door.

I watch as ticket after ticket starts to print from her computer. I keep my attention on her as the printer finally finishes, and she takes a large wad of tickets and starts pinning them to the corkboard, where people who don’t have money can take a ticket to pay for their meal.