Page 45 of Lucky Score

I don’t want him to think my anxiety is getting worse and reconsider getting back together.

At the same time, I view honesty as the best policy, especially since we’re getting back together soon. He needs to know what's going on with me, and it’s not like anything happened while I was in bed with Seven.

“Seven was really helpful, actually. He stayed with me while I worked through a small panic attack. And I did get through it with a little time. I think not having you here was good for me.”

I say, hoping to spin my panic attack into a positive.

“See? My whole world won’t crumble without you. I’m getting stronger so that I can become the equal partner that you deserve.”

Maybe I didn’t tell him that Seven held me all night and that I woke up several times to Seven’s erection poking me in the back, but he never made a move on me when he could have tried. And erections are a natural thing that sometimes can’t be helped.

It’s not as if it changes anything between me and Seven. He still ensured he was out of the house this morning to avoid me. And what he said last night when he thought I was asleep could have meant anything.

Seven isn’t interested. That’s the takeaway at the end of the day. He’s just a man with normal working equipment, and Daniel doesn’t need every single detail.

The good news is that I survived my first storm without him after all these years together.

“I’m proud of you. I just wish I would have been there with you last night instead of him.”

Wait, is Daniel jealous?

Of Seven?

If he saw the way that Seven acts around me, he wouldn’t have a single worry.

“I know, me too.”

“Just a few more weeks left, and then we can look forward to starting the family you've always wanted.”

“I can’t wait until you're home,” I say.

“Yeah, me either.”

I hear a door open and then close in the background.

“Hello? Anyone here?” I hear a female voice.

“Shit, hey, I have to go. I’ll talk to you later, okay?” Daniel says quickly.

“Who’s there?” I ask.

Part of me thinks it's a dangerous idea to ask. Knowing might not make things easy for me.

“It’s just Courtney. You remember Courtney, don't you? She's one of the senior partners that they sent with the rest of us. We have to work on a case. The rest of the team is on their way over,” he says. "I’ll be right out.” I hear him call out to her. “I’d better get going. Everyone’s about to show up, and I need to finish getting dressed.”

“Ok,” I say.

“I’ll call you again tomorrow, ok? And just…” he stalls for a second. “Don’t let the player talk you into anything that you’re uncomfortable with. You don’t owe him anything just because he let you stay there. And professional athletes have a reputation of using women for…”

He stalls for a second.

"For sex?" I ask, finishing his thought.

He clears his throat.

"Yeah. I just don't want you to feel taken advantage of after. And the guy is ten years older than you and is still a bachelor. He's not looking for what you and I have. He'd never marry you and give you kids. You know?"

I'm sure he's right.