Page 42 of Lucky Score

“Love ya, sweetie,” she says.

“Love you too.”

Then I hear her click off of the phone.

I know she’s right, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

I pull up my texts and see Daniel’s text.

Fiance: You’re staying with some guy? I don’t like the sound of this. Who is he? Has he tried anything with you?

Fiance: Call me as soon as you can.

Fiance: I don’t care what time of the night it is.

This is the first time I've seen this many texts in a row from Daniel since he left town.

My heart flutters seeing his concern for me.

I understand that we decided to take a break, but it feels like he’s been more distant and distracted during our phone conversations ever since he left. I know that they have him working long hours to get everything ready before they leave and head back to the States.

I just hope that when he gets back home and we start again from where we left off, everything will be back to normal.

I know he said to call, but it has to be at least one a.m. I don’t want to wake him, though it’s tempting to hear his voice. Instead, I draft up a text.

Brynn: I’m safe. The storm blew through last night. It should be passing at this point. And don’t worry, the house owner is the goalie for the Seattle Hawkeyes, and he’s been very accommodating. The guy is practically a doomsday prepper. We have everything we need.

I see my parent’s text and shoot out a quick text to both of them as well.

I should call, I know, but I want to get this apology out of the way first and get something to eat. I’m starving, and I know my mom will keep me on the phone for as long as she can.

I walk out of my room and head for the kitchen, not bothering to change out for the t-shirt and pajama shorts that he’s already seen me in. I need a cup of hot tea at least before I can function today.

I don’t hear Seven moving around in the kitchen as I walk down the hallway.

Could he still be asleep?

He was up most of the night attending to me, but I heard him snoring at one point when I stirred awake in the middle of the night.

The moment I walk into the kitchen, I see a plate covered in foil sitting on an open notebook at the end of the countertop next to the black battery bank that he gave me to use.

I pull a corner of the foil back and steam billows out from under it. The food is still hot.

Scrambled eggs and french toast this time.

My stomach growls with hunger.

I pull the plate off the notebook to read the note that Seven left for me.


I went out to assess the damages on both houses and start repairs. I’ll be out all day, so you’ll have the house to yourself to write.

We still don’t have power besides the generator, but I charged the battery bank for you. You should have power on your laptop all day, and there’s enough power for you to take a shower if you want.

I saved you some breakfast.

He lists his phone number at the bottom of the note for emergencies. I save his contact information in my phone… just in case.