Page 39 of Lucky Score

I scoop her up under her legs and around her back and pull her up against my chest.

The second that she’s pulled against me, her arms wrap around the back of my neck and she buries her face against my shoulder.

She told me that she’d been in a bad storm before, but I wasn’t expecting her to react like this.

I carry her out of her room and bring her into mine.

“You’re going to stay with me tonight until the storm passes, Okay?” I ask.

I feel the subtle nod of her head against me.

It's a good thing that I didn’t push her to stay next door by herself, though maybe the option to stay in the cramped apartment further inland would have been better than keeping her on the beach where we’re going to get the biggest brunt of the storm.

There’s nothing I can do about it now except to keep her close and try to soothe her out of her panic attack.

I lay her down in the middle of the bed, and then climb in behind her.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her flat against my chest.

“You’re going to be okay, Brynn,” I whisper against her ear, and rub my right hand up and down her arm in an attempt to stop her from shaking. “I swear that I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

I need some kind of answer, even if we don’t know each other long enough for her to give me that kind of trust. But I need to know she’s listening.

“Do you believe me?” I ask.

She nods, but she’s still shaking uncontrollably.

My hands continue to rub up and down her arm until her shaking starts to subside a little. After what feels like an hour of listening to the storm carry on outside while applying firm strokes against Brynn’s arm, I finally hear her breathing deepen and slow.

She fell asleep.

Thank God.

She wiggles against me, though it’s unintentional, and soon enough, her perfect ass is pressed against my crotch.

I can’t stop my cock from hardening against her with every movement she makes against me.

Each time I attempt to pull back, she follows me in her sleep and it doesn’t take long before she’s plastered against me again.

“Being this close and wanting you this bad is dangerous for me. Can’t you understand that?” I whisper to myself, knowing that she’s fast asleep and won’t hear me.

I knew sharing a roof over our heads could become a distraction that I didn’t need. But I hadn’t anticipated that by the second night of her being here, we’d be sharing a bed.

I’m now playing in dangerous territory, and I need a way out immediately.


In my dream, I hear Seven’s voice call out to me.

“I’ve got you Brynn… I won’t let go.”

“Go back to sleep. You’re safe with me.”

I feel his warm arms wrap around me, and a feeling of instant relief and safety comes over me.

I can’t tell where my dreams and reality meld, but even without opening my eyes, I know that I’m in Seven’s bed. The room and the pillow I’m lying on all smell like him.

Like his body wash but also that masculine smell of salt, sweat and deodorant mixed with a light smell of peppermint mouthwash