Page 31 of Lucky Score

A little hope sparks in me that maybe my texts got through last night.

“Yeah, a couple hours ago. It’s hit and miss, but you might be able to make a call out if you keep an eye on it.”

“I'll be right back,” I say, slipping off the bar stool and heading for my room to retrieve my phone.

Sure enough, my heart leaps when I see that a text finally came through from Daniel this morning, as well as one from my mom, my dad, and a couple from Sheridan.

I open up Daniel’s and read it as I head back towards the kitchen for breakfast.

Fiance: Have a safe flight. Keep in touch.

Then nothing else after that.

Maybe I had hoped there would have been a follow-up text today, but he’s probably asleep with the time difference.

I back out of his message and check the ones from my mom and dad.

Mom: I haven’t heard from you. Are you okay?

Mom: Call as soon as you can. I’m worried.

Mom: The Cancun airport is shut down. Did you make it there? Are you safe? CALL ME!

My dad’s texts were a little less intense.

Dad: I don’t like the look of this storm. I think you should come home. Does Daniel know about the hurricane?

Of course, my dad would bring up Daniel. And since my parents still don't know that we're on a break, I'm sure my dad is wondering why Daniel didn't try to stop me from going. If it were up to my dad, Daniel and I would already be married.

I walk back through the kitchen after drafting up a text to all three of them and send them off, hoping that as soon as we get reception, they’ll get it.

I sent the same text to each of them.

Brynn: I’m safe and in the rental house, though it wasn’t a rental. Luckily the owner is letting me stay with him. The storm should pass by tomorrow and I’ll see about getting a flight home.

“Is this enough food for you? There’s plenty more if you want,” Seven says, placing a plate and fork in front of me.

I didn’t see it right away as I read through Sheridan’s texts that arrived early this morning.

Sheridan: Oh my God! Are you serious? The reservation was fake? I can’t believe this. I’ll call my credit card company immediately.

Sheridan: Wait… how would the smoking hot goalie for the Hawkeyes be responsible for your disappearance?

Sheridan: Answer me back this instance! I need more information!

Sheridan: Okay, your phone is off, so you must not have reception, but at least I know that you’re safe in the house. Please send another text as soon as possible, preferably with a photo as proof of life. Be careful out there.

Sheridan: I called the airline. I can’t rebook you a flight until they resume operation out of Cancun. Call me!

When I look up, my eyes widen at the stack of food sitting in front of me. It’s more than I’d eat in an entire day, let alone in one sitting.

“No, that won’t be necessary. This is more than enough. Thank you.”

I glance over to compare his portion size to find that Seven has two plates stacked with food for himself, along with a few pieces of toast.

I guess I never considered how much food an athlete eats. No wonder my gigantic plate of food doesn’t seem like enough to him. My portion size would barely be a snack for his appetite.

He forks a piece of ham, egg, and then some hashbrowns and stuffs it into his mouth.