Torin smiled as he remembered the spirit of her best friend.

“Callyn saved me that night at the Amethyst Palace.” Emara’s gaze finally found Torin. “As I lay choking on the element of my bloodline, Callyn saved me with hers. She came when I needed her and she held my hand when I thought it was the end.” Her voice broke, and it made Torin’s throat bob. He had thought it was the end too, and he had done everything he could to take the Supreme’s magic upon himself instead of Emara. He would have done anything in that moment to stop her from suffocating.

“She would have been so up for this mission just for the simple fact that she would absolutely refuse to go any further than this point and stay here to frolic instead of joining the hunt.”

Torin reached out for her hand. She let him take it, and he kissed it gently. “You miss her.”

“With every part of my heart.” She looked down at her knees as they pushed together. “It never occurred to me that I would have to go through life without her, so it sometimes hits me hard, especially in moments when I need her.”

He rubbed his thumb over her skin. “You never know, she might be sitting with you right now on this very beach, admiring how strong you have become and how wonderful you look with the sea wind in your hair. She would be so utterly proud of you, Emara.” He squeezed her hand. “And when I tie my soul to yours, I know she will be looking down on you then too. As will your grandmother. Everyone you ever wanted will be there, even if it is in spirit.”

Emara nodded as tears washed down her cheeks. “I know.” She gripped his hand tighter. “And that is why we are going to find this relic before the Dark Army. I will not have another person taken from this kingdom by their ruthless hands. I will not allow another person to look at this world from the Otherside because of the Dark God. I will not allow another person to feel the sorrow that I do.”

Torin guided her to look at him as he promised, “In the darkness of this kingdom, we will rise. In the light, the Dark Army will fall. I will not stop hunting them until this world is safe for you and rid of them—and that includes your father.”

Emara was thankful when the Broken Sea decided she wouldn’t be too rough with their ship. Every hunter from the Blacksteel clan (with the exception of Viktir and those who stayed behind to guard the Tower) were crowded on the ship’s forecastle, going over their first briefing. Torin stood in the middle, letting everyone know that this was their first mission under him and why it had come around. He spoke of its importance and why he needed every man from the clan involved. Emara was shocked when Kellen stood up and told the clan of his seeing abilities, and what was even more remarkable was that no one seemed to think that he would be a curse to the unit. Kellen was one of them. And Torin let them know that if anyone did have a problem with his youngest brother, they would have a problem with him too.

“So we’re going to the Temple of the Gods, then?” an older clan member asked as he took a sip from his flask.

“That’s right,” Torin said. “We will rest a few times, especially at the Lake of Rhiannon, but ideally, I would like to get there before the Dark Army, so we can’t mess around. If the Protection Stone is there, then we need to make sure we get it first.”

The Lake of Rhiannon.

“And if they are already there?” another asked.

Torin’s crystal gaze turned a little icier. “If they are already there, then you will do what you were born to do—hunt.”

The clan agreed in unison. Emara noted a wolf at the rear of the ship, her golden hair wild in the aquatic breeze. She excused herself and left the clan discussing a strategy for when they got to the temple.

As Emara neared her, Breighly ran a hand under her eye and plastered on a false smile. “Empress.”

Emara tutted, finding her sea legs as she staggered closer to the Shifter. “Come on, Breighly, you know better than to call me that when we are alone.”

She let out a small snort. “I know. But I like the flash of shock in your eyes every time someone says it.”

Emara laughed at the accuracy in her truth as she made her way to sit on a wooden bench. “I can never really hide my emotions well, can I?”

“Not for as long as I have known you.” Breighly smiled, but it faded quickly as she looked out at the vast ocean. Its swells moved underneath them like a thousand small whales all coming up for air at once. “But I wouldn’t say it’s always a bad thing.”

“Mmm,” Emara hummed. “I think a lot of people would disagree with that.”

“Fuck those people,” Breighly said softly.

“You don’t seem like yourself today.” Emara held on to the cedar taffrail that ran all the way along the ship’s edges.

“Why does everyone keep saying that?” Breighly’s light brows pulled in.

“Maybe because you are alone at the back of the ship instead of bossing around all the hunters at the front. It has them all rather worried.”

Emara had also noted that none of the Baxgroll pack had shown up at dawn. Maybe that was the reason for her distance.

Breighly’s chocolate eyes narrowed, and she drew in a breath. “I can’t be her all the time.” She glanced at Emara. “I can’t be the woman who fights my way to the top every single day of life. It’s exhausting. Sometimes my actual life gets in the way, you know? Sometimes my mind just needs a break. I don’t know how you do it.”

Emara had never seen Breighly’s features so soft. “I know what you mean,” she agreed. “The weight that is put on a woman’s shoulders to equal a man in Caledorna is preposterous. But we get the job done. I know the clan likes having you around, as much as they tease you.” That earned a small smile from the wolf. “And I do too, Breighly. I wanted you as my guard because I think you are the most capable woman I have ever met.”

Breighly’s eyes widened at that. The sound of the ship parting the waves filled in their silence for a moment.

“Is there something back home that requires your attention? You know I wouldn’t mind you skipping this mission and returning to the Ashdale Forest until you sort out whatever you need to,” Emara offered.