Emara pulled her hand into a fist and immediately tried to hide it, but it was too late.

She hadn’t even thought to remove it until a better time.

“We didn’t have a chance to tell anyone.” Torin’s voice was rough. “We were going to announce it earlier, but there was a change of plan.” His ocean eyes went to his brother and then back to his mother.

Gideon sucked in a breath, his chest puffing out, and a warmth twinkled in his pine eyes. He pulled himself from the fireplace mantle and walked towards his brother before wrapping his arms around him in an embrace. “Congratulations, brother.”

Torin’s eyes widened and shock set into his features as his arms came up to return the embrace. Naya let out a cry of happiness, her hands coming up to cover her mouth and her cheeks flush with surprise.

The door opened sharply. “Is he awake?” Artem Stryker asked, but his face fell as his eyes took in Kellen, still unconscious. Arlo and Breighly peered in from behind him.

Naya whirled to face the inked warrior. “No, but the Gods have given us a gift of good news whilst we wait for a miracle.”

Artem’s gaze explored the room and he squinted like he always did when he was trying to put a puzzle together. Breighly moved into the room, and Arlo hovered by the door.

Naya cut across the space to where Emara was now standing and took her into her arms. As she clung to her, she whispered, “I saw this in the stars for you, my girl, many moons ago. I am utterly thrilled. Thank the Gods it’s you. Gods bless Rhiannon.”

Emara fought back an emotion that almost choked her as the small earth witch pulled back. Her motherly energy was always so comforting and it smoothed out all the worry in Emara’s heart, even if it was just for a few seconds.

“Are you happy?” she asked as tears pooled in her glittering blue eyes.

“Yes,” Emara breathed as her chin dipped. “I am.”

“Happy about what?” Artem called out, still confused. “What is happening here? Someone fill a guard in.”

“Seriously,” Breighly scoffed, rolling her eyes before they set on Emara and then Torin. “Congratulations.” Her smile was genuine.

“Congratulations?” Artem looked for a sign of something to celebrate.

Emara’s cheeks flushed as she flashed up the hand that bore the engagement ring, and Artem’s grin instantly beamed across his face. “You have got to be fucking kidding me.” He ran at her, lifting her into the air and squeezing her. “Apologies for cursing, Mrs Blacksteel.” He fired a look at Naya before he turned his attention to Emara once more. “I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!”

“Put me down.” She elbowed his ribs the only way she could, squished by his huge embrace.

“I knew Tori-boy had it in him,” he said as he let her drop back to her feet. Torin coughed, and Artem flashed him a grin. “I mean, congratulations to you both. Seriously.” His golden gaze was back on Emara’s face, ablaze with so much genuine happiness. “He doesn’t deserve you, and don’t let him forget it.” He winked before making his way over to Torin. “Come here, big man.”

Torin tried to put his hands out to stop him, but his big inked arms reached out and got him in a headlock. “Engaged, eh?” He rubbed his head with this knuckle. “No longer a free man! Who would have thought Torin Blacksteel would ever be in love?”

Torin stuck his leg behind Artem’s and swept him to the ground, letting him out of his hold. The massive warrior hit the ground in a loud dump.

“Boys,” Naya barked. “Really, here?”

Artem bounced up from the ground and swung an arm around Gideon. “So, who is it going to be, T? Your best man at the wedding. Come on, let us know. Me or him? May as well put Gideon out of his misery now.”

Gideon rolled his eyes, shoving him off, and Torin gave his friend a rude gesture that earned another scolding from Naya. “Boys, do I need to remind you that we are in an infirmary? For Rhiannon’s sake.”

Artem bowed his head and whispered, “Sorry.” He nodded in Torin’s direction with a cheeky grin. “So, when did you ask her? I need all the details.”

Torin didn’t look fazed at all by his questions. “I am giving you no details, Stryker.”

Emara giggled, and Naya rolled her eyes as she wandered over to look out the window. Arlo tried to smile as he gave them his congratulations too, but his eyes were on his friend.

Artem strolled over and tapped Torin’s shoulder. “Come on, man, just one little detail. That’s all I ask. I am in this now. I am invested. I am president of the Tormara fan club.”

Emara scoffed.

Torin gave a cheeky grin of his own. Trust Artem to be the only person in his own club. “I asked her when she found me in the office.”

“The commander’s office?” he gasped like a wife of the elite. “You asked the Empress of Air to marry you in the commander’s office?”