Emara took a few deep breaths.

Her hazel eyes found Emara’s, and another smallish hand reached out to touch her. “Is it the nerves?”

“Yes.” Emara whimpered.

Not to mention the shame, the guilt, and the sudden imposter syndrome that almost swept her legs out from underneath her.

Lorta’s features softened. “Don’t be scared. The Gods have picked you for a reason, Emara Clearwater, and they don’t just give anyone the power to be an empress. Don’t for one second doubt that you are not worthy of your title. It is in your blood. The Gods choose their bloodlines wisely.”

And somehow, just after mere hours, Emara had found herself a new friend to help navigate this mess of a world. She reached out and placed a shaky hand on Lorta’s arm as her cooling air still drifted over her face and neck. “Thank you so much.”

I have a choice to turn my fear into strength, and I will certainly try.

For Lorta, for Kaydence, and for anyone else who would look to her as their empress, she would find the strength.

The grey gown that she had picked out hugged her body tightly, pulling at her curves, cinching in her waist. The dresses that the maids had picked out were elegant in a way that was both stunning and proper for someone who bore a title.

They were exactly the opposite of what Cally would have dressed her in, but going into tonight, she didn’t exactly have room to feel more self-conscious than she already did.

So safe and simple were good.

Kaydence had fixed her hair atop her head in barrel curls, and she must have poked a thousand pins into her scalp trying to hold the mass of midnight-black hair in place. By the time they were done, Emara looked ready to play the role of empress.

Her cheeks glistened and her eyes were a darker shade of coal. Her lips were tinted like cherries, and Lorta had clasped dangling smoky diamonds to her lobes. When she looked at herself in the mirror, Emara could see a small glow shining through her darkness again.

Someone knocked twice, and she could hear deep laughter in the hallway from her guards.

“Enter,” she said as her heart missed a beat.

This time, all three of her hunters strolled into her chambers, Torin leading the way. His eyes caught sight of her, and it looked like air had gotten lodged in his throat. For just a moment, it felt like only them in the room with the way his icy glare turned to a warm pool of hot springs. His eyes glittered with sinful magic before he gathered himself and squared off his shoulders.

Artem let out a small whistle from behind him. “You scrub up well, my feisty little friend.”

“Thank you.”

“I almost didn’t recognise you with the leaves out of your hair and dry clothes on.” Artem gave her a friendly wink.

Her cheeks beamed bright, and she hoped her rouge would hide it. “I can see you have at least bathed.” She threw a whole lot of sass towards the tattooed warrior, who barked out a laugh. “Although, I do take comfort that it is not my bath water that you used this time.”

Torin smirked, his eyes not leaving Emara’s, and Magin bit into his lip, revealing his subdued amusement.

“What’s wrong with a little bath water shared among friends?” Artem chuckled deeply.

She heard her maids have a chuckle too.

“You are truly disgusting,” she murmured with a laugh.

Torin stood straight, his hands behind his back, puffing out his strong chest. His favourite weapons lay strapped to his back and the little pin that represented her coven’s name glinted on his chest. “Enough laughter. It’s time we headed to the great ballroom,” he announced. “Before I kill Artem for whining about how hungry he is.”

The formalities of Torin’s duty had begun.

“That’s if I don’t die of starvation first.”

The girls laughed again, and a smug grin found Artem’s face as they stroked his ego.

As Emara reached just in front of Torin, he lowered his lashes, taking in every inch of her. His gaze made her very aware of the most feminine parts of herself and she fought the tingling heat spreading low.

“You look remarkable,” he whispered as he held out his arm for her to take. She wasn’t even sure if he was supposed to do that.