He introduced a second finger, and with two thrusts, she became undone. Her body felt like it wasn’t hers, her hips rising up of their own accord as she cried out, stars bursting across her vision.
He pressed a thumb into her bundle of nerves and drove his fingers in one last time. The tension exploded and tingled through her body, causing her to shake in ecstasy. A whimper escaped her mouth as her knees pulled together, her thighs shutting around Torin’s hand, and she coiled against him. For a moment, she listened to Torin’s harsh breathing before her muscles finally relaxed. His heart, too, slammed against her chest before his muscles gave in to the tension and he softened. He dropped himself to the ground next to her and she felt herself go limp against the cold floor. It was chillier than it had been before, and she could see little sparkles in the dark of the cavern that she knew weren’t really there.
Torin ran his nose up the side of her cheek and kissed delicately into her temple as he withdrew his fingers from inside her. His lips demanded hers a second later, but this was softer, sweeter than before. These kisses were different, sweet and tentative, and they made her stomach dip. He pulled her against him as they took a moment to breathe, lying together in a profound silence. Just like the tension in her core, her heart exploded at the gesture.
She looked over at the waterfall pouring into the pool, noticing that the sky was brighter outside, sending glittering blue and lilac shadows into the cavern as the light broke through the cascade.
She had no words, nothing, her mind emptied of everything that had ever troubled her. Her heart was steady and warm. Her body relaxed against the sand and the warrior who held her in his arms.
Torin was the first to speak. “Are you okay?”
“I’m…wonderful.” She almost laughed. “Are you?” she asked him back, knowing small talk was a buffer to the magical tension.
“You can’t ask me that question and expect any answer other than yes,” he said, tracing a pattern on the lacy fabric of her nightgown that now lay on her stomach. “Not after that.”
Emara smiled; she wasn’t even sure he saw it as they lay for a few more moments, taking in the sounds of the awakening nature around them.
He let out a small sigh before he spoke again. “The sun will be up soon, and what kind of guard would I be if I didn’t get you home before that happened?”
“A very bad one,” Emara teased, finally looking at him. His features were softer than before, more relaxed, and one of his wicked dimples appeared just in time for her heart to explode for a second time.
“Come on,” he said, rising to his feet. He put out his hands, and Emara took both before he hoisted her up from the cavern ground, where she wished she could stay for a few more minutes, maybe hours.
Torin pulled up the straps to her nightwear and gently placed them back on her shoulders before kissing the lace. Emara gave him a gentle smile and turned. Before she could walk, he swung her into his chest and their bodies collided, now familiar with each other in a way they weren’t before. He held her in his arms, looking into her eyes.
“Were you really going to leave here without kissing me?” he jested, lifting his eyebrows.
“I guess I was,” she battled back, sticking out her chin. “What are you going to do about that, Torin Blacksteel?”
His dark lashes fluttered up to reveal his icy glare. “There are a lot of things that I would love to teach you.” He leaned in and brushed his lips over hers as he smiled. He pushed her mouth open just enough for him to claim it. But all too quickly, he pulled back. “But that will have to do for now.”
His wicked grin was outrageous.
She fought back a smile. “I am okay with that.”
His eyes flashed open and looked her over. The desperate hunger was gone. Maybe the starvation was satiated for now, but his appetite for her still gleamed in his eyes. He broke their gaze as he moved his hand to find hers. “Come on, let’s get you back.” He smiled a smile that fully thawed every icy part of himself.
Her breath caught in her chest, and she wondered if Torin Blacksteel had ever smiled at anyone like that before.
It had taken longer to get back to the inn than what Emara had thought it would. She couldn’t remember walking so far and she certainly hadn’t felt the temperature outside when stepping out of the inn in her bare feet. But now, with her soaking wet hair hanging down her back icing her bones with every swish, she was freezing. Emara used her fire to heat her hands, keeping frostbite away from her fingers. The rest of her was still painfully cold, but she didn’t want to push herself and accidentally destroy the forest.
Torin had persuaded her to let him carry her before her toes became victim to the frost. He stole a kiss or two before he picked up the pace to get them back to shelter. This time, his lips were soft against hers, not in the animalistic way like he had kissed her before, but in a delicate and gentle way. It was the only thing keeping her mind from the numbing cold that etched itself into her bones.
Approaching the inn, he still didn’t drop her. He pulled her closer to him, like he was savouring every last drop of their time alone. He kicked the door open with ease and made his way up the rickety stairs. It was a wonder they supported the weight of him alone, never mind her on top. He let her slide down his body as he reached the top of the stairs, and needles pinched in her toes as they touched the ground. Turning her head to the door of the room, she noticed it had been left open wide enough to see that Torin had left in a hurry—and open enough to see that someone lay sprawled across the bed.
Torin cursed under his breath and Artem Stryker lifted his head from the pillow.
“Oh, good,” he said, a grin threatening to rip his face apart. “The wanderers have returned.”
“In case you haven’t picked up on it yet, I am in no mood for your mindless antics, Stryker.” Torin walked in front of Emara, shielding her wet body from his brother. The emerald nightgown that she had worn the night before was slick against her body, leaving nothing to the imagination.
“I bet you’re not.” Artem winked at Torin and pulled himself up fully from his laxed position. “You had your leathers in a twist leaving here.”
Emara wanted so badly to see Torin’s face fill with rage or embarrassment at Artem’s words, but he had positioned himself so that she could only see his back.
She stepped out, knowing eventually Artem would see her anyway.
“So you managed to find her, our Empress of Travels and Wander.” Artem looked over Emara quickly, his gaze not lingering long. She had a sneaking suspicion it had everything to do with Torin and the glare that threatened to burn a hole in his face. “I thought you were about to burst a blood vessel when you realised she was missing.”