Page 44 of Tactical Revival

Jaxson runs a hand over the back of his head. “I’m sorry for what he’s put you through. You and Matty both deserve better. You know that, don’t you?”

“Jaxson, what’s going on?”

“Is Matty asleep?”

“Yes. What’s going on?” Nerves churn my stomach.

“Chad was trying to get you to sell everything and buy him out. He never wanted custody of Matty, though he was planning to change the case he’d put together against you and try and take full custody under the guise of moving Matty out to LA.”

I feel the color drain from my face moments before rage floods my system. “He was going to what?”

“He wanted you to sell this place and pay him off so he’d drop the custody charge. He didn’t think it would ever go to court because he knew if it did, he would lose anyway.”

I stare at Jaxson, completely dumbfounded by what he’s telling me. “Does he really think so little of me? That I’m stupid enough to fall for that?”

“I can’t see how he would ever think he could win that, but it was his plan. As outrageous as it was.”

“How did Michael handle that confession? Oh, to be a fly on that wall.” I stand and head over to the cabinet to pull some fresh cookies I’d made earlier from the jar.

I feel rather than see him move in behind me.

Turning toward him, I swallow hard, abandoning the cookies on the counter behind me.

“You deserve better,” Jaxson says.

He’s mere inches from me, his hazel gaze darting down to my lips. I draw my lower one into my mouth, attraction snapping between us like electricity.

“I’m starting to believe that,” I tell him.


The bell on the front door rings, shattering the connection like a bucket of cold water. “Sorry.” I slip away from him and head for the front, finding a very pregnant woman on the other side of my standing desk.

“Hi!” she greets happily, offering me a wave.

“Hi, how can I help you?” I force a smile, though my insides are still like jelly after that heated moment in the kitchen. How does he make me feel that way without even a single touch?

“I hope so. I was hoping to get a room?”

“For how long?” I open up our scheduling software.

“Just tonight, if you have it available.” She rubs her hand over her stomach.

“Actually, I do. The rooms are all booked tomorrow, but tonight is available.” I smile at the look of bone-deep relief on her face.

“That’s wonderful.” She sets her bag down. “I’m exhausted these days, and the idea of trying to track down somewhere else is not appealing in the least.” The stunning, leggy brunette standing on the other side of my check-in desk looks about ready to have her baby any moment, though still manages to look effortlessly beautiful.

Her dark hair shines in the rays of sunlight streaking in from the window, and her brown eyes are such a bright caramel color I’m sure they must be contacts.

Even as it’s ridiculous, I smooth out the front of my floral dress in an effort to make myself look even a bit more put together. “Well, I remember how tired I was with my son. But you look fantastic. When are you due?”

“Five weeks,” she replies with a laugh. “And I have absolutely no idea how to get myself prepared.”

“I remember those days. What brings you here to Hope Springs?”

“I’m headed to New York tomorrow morning for a conference, and I just couldn’t bring myself to pass up the opportunity to knock Maine off of my bucket list.” She beams at me.

“I completely understand. I just need a form of ID and payment.” Smiling warmly, I wait as she digs into her purse. “Where are you coming in from?”