And I decide that giving Wesley something else to focus on is worth the risk to my life.

I turn the wheel hard, veering off the road.

“Get back on the highway!” Wesley roars.

And then the car slams into a tree.

Pain shoots through me, coming from every possible inch of my body as it’s battered by the crushing of metal. I’m smacked in the face by the deploying airbags, powder filling my lungs, and I cough.

“Stupid!” Wesley roars. He slams the gun into the side of my head. “What were you thinking?”

I look over at him, turning my face and smiling as I see Michael rip his door open and yank Wesley free. He pins him to the truck and knocks the gun from his hand.

“Hey, Reyna.”

I shift my attention to my side as Lance pulls my door open. “He’s coming for all of you,” I choke out.

“Who?” he asks.

“Zeke. He’s sending men to Hope Springs. Eliza. Andie. Jaxson. Silas. They’re all at risk.” Tears blur my vision.

“They’re going to be fine,” Lance says. “We need to get you looked at.”

“Paramedics are on their way,” Elijah tells me.

“Call Andie. Have her get Eliza and Silas’s daughter up to the hospital. Sheriff Vick has deputies there with Jaxson and Silas, so they’ll be safe.”

Elijah doesn’t ask for clarification, just taps on the screen of his phone again.

“Okay. Can you hear me okay?” Lance asks.

“Yes. But I can’t move.” I try to shift out of my seat, but the dash has accordioned over my lap, pinning my legs beneath the steering wheel.

“It’s okay. We’re going to get you out.” He glances to his left, then moves out of the way, and Michael comes into view. He kneels beside me.

“Hey, baby. How are you doing?” His tone is soft, but his expression is all worry.

“I’m okay. Did you get him?” Exhaustion sneaks up on me, almost pushing the pain away from the forefront of my mind. I’m so tired. So worn out.

“I got him. That was smart. Dangerous. But smart.”

I smile softly. “I knew you would save me.”

“Always.” He tries to tug the steering wheel, but it doesn’t budge. “What hurts?”

“Nothing right now,” I say honestly because my entire body seems to have gone numb.

“Reyna, I need you to stay awake. Can you do that?” He looks over at Elijah. “How long until the ambulance?”

“Should be any minute.”

“Can you pray with me? I don’t want to die, Michael. I want to stay with you.”

“You’re not going to die.” Michael’s voice is strangled, and I glance up as Lance and Elijah both move in closer and place their hands on Michael’s shoulders. He touches what’s exposed of my arm since my hands are pinned.

Lance clears his throat. “Dear Lord, we come to You now, begging You to give Reyna the strength to pull through this. God, we thank You for getting us to her when we did. Please, Lord. Bring her through this. Amen.”

As Lance finishes the prayer, a car screeches to a stop. “Bianca is here.” Elijah turns away.