So much ugliness has happened, but in the midst of it, God delivered me a partner. True love. And I can’t help but grin despite the fact that nothing is settled yet.

The door opens, and Liam steps in, a smile on his face. “Reyna, it’s good to see you.”

Jaxson sets his food aside and stands. “Where’s Silas?”

“He’s still at the front. I told him who I was, and he let me through.” His gaze remains focused on me even as he addresses Jaxson.

Jaxson steps back toward me, slow movements that don’t seem off until he completely blocks me with his body and his hand goes to his lower back, where his firearm is holstered. “I know Reyna appreciates you stopping by, but she’s not up for company right now.”

“I’m so glad you made it back safely,” Liam says. “I was so worried about you.”

“I appreciate that, Liam, but Jaxson is right. I’m really busy right now. Maybe we can set up a lunch or something later?” Alarm bells are ringing in my brain, a warning that might as well be flashing neon lights.

“I was so worried,” he repeats. “But I knew you’d make it back. You’re too strong.”

“I’m not going to ask you again.” Jaxson steps forward, and a gunshot echoes through my office. I don’t even have time to react before Jaxson is stumbling back into my desk and falling to the floor, blood staining the front of his white T-shirt.

Liam removes his hand from his pocket and reveals the gun he’s carrying. He aims it at Jaxson, and I throw myself over my bodyguard.

“No! Liam, stop!”

“I am tired of people getting in the way of us, Reyna. First Zeke, then Michael, and now these men.”

“Zeke?” My blood ices as I press one hand to Jaxson’s wound and try to slip the other beneath him. He groans and rolls just slightly enough that the movement won’t be noticed by Liam.

Keep him talking.

Keep him focused on me.

Someone else will have heard the gunshot.

“I told him that you were not to be touched. That we were wrong and you wouldn’t have anything to do with Carter.”

“How do you know Zeke?” My hand closes around the grip of Jaxson’s firearm.

“He represented my brother when your brother put him away. This whole thing was his plan. I was supposed to come here and find out what you knew, get to know you, and then—” He trails off. “I couldn’t do it because you and I are meant to be, Reyna. I never wanted anything to do with my brother’s work, either. And now that I know you don’t either…”

I slip the gun from the holster. “You hurt my friend, Liam.”

“I set you free. You’re a prisoner, just like I am. My brother’s goons wouldn’t let me free of them, either.”

“Liam, put the gun down, please.”

“I can’t do that.” He tilts his head to the side. “You’re coming with me, and soon you’ll see that we’re meant to be.”

“Liam, I cannot go with you.” I pull the gun out, but before I can raise it, Liam aims his at Jaxson’s head.

“If you don’t put that gun down, Reyna, I’m going to kill him where he lies. Don’t make me do it. Please. Don’t make me kill for you. I will. But don’t make me do it.”

My heart plummets, and I swing the gun around where he can see it, then set it on the ground.

“Good girl. Now, let’s go.”

“My friend needs help. Please. Let me get him help.”

“We have to leave before the other one wakes up,” he snaps. A brief dose of relief floods my system because if he’s expecting Silas to wake up, then it means he’s still alive.

“Reyna. No.” Jaxson reaches across his body and clings to my arm while he uses the arm draped behind me to slip his phone into my back pocket.