“But you weren’t, son,” he says. “You saved her life because God put you exactly where you needed to be at the precise moment you needed to be there. Just as he did when Reyna was attacked in that parking lot.”

“I keep being in the right place at the right time, yet nothing gets solved.” I glance back at Lance and try to keep my tone level even though all I want to do is yell. “Let me go, and I’ll solve this right now. He’ll never hurt another person again.”

“You can’t go after Zeke, Michael. It’s suicide. Or at the very least, a prison sentence. He’s connected and well protected.”

“Then I’ll happily rot in a cell knowing everyone I love is safe.”

“Vengeance is not yours, Michael,” Pastor Redding reminds me. “It’s not mine. It’s not anyone’s, no matter how badly we want it to be.” He clenches his hands into fists, and for the first time in my entire life, I see his anger. “Vengeance belongs to God. Do this the right way. Don’t sacrifice your soul for it.”

“I killed a man today, Pastor.”

“You stopped a man who was bent on hurting innocent people.”

“Is there a difference?”

“I believe so, yes.” He reaches out and places a hand on my shoulder. “You reacted in the moment, but this—going after him this way—is not in the moment. It’s planned.”

Desperation takes many forms.

It can make us do foolish things.

It was desperation for a life that was my own, for the ability to prove myself to Reyna, that drove me out of Hope Springs.

And it was desperation for the love I walked away from that brought me back.

But allowing my desperation for justice to drive me to take vengeance into my own hands is not the way I’m supposed to handle things. I know that. Truly, I do. But I’m so afraid that every moment we do nothing is another inch he gains in getting closer to us and everyone we love.

It has to stop. One way or another. I turn to Carter. “You’re going to get me in with the men who attacked us outside of that banquet.”

“Michael, I?—”

“No. No excuses. He knows we’re alive now, so pretending otherwise is a foolish move. I want to see them. I want to look them in the eyes and get them to admit they weren’t working alone.”

“I’ve tried,” he insists.

“You have,” I agree. “But I haven’t. And I can be quite persuasive if necessary.”



Normally, the last week before school starts is one of my favorite times. The halls are still empty, but there are fresh decorations on the wall and an entire year of hopeful days ahead.

I’d been so ready to resume my normal life, but now that I’m here, I’m longing for a lazy morning, sitting on the Redding’s couch with Michael as we watch cheesy movies and pretend the danger outside doesn’t exist.

Now that they know we’re alive, I’m back at the school, Jaxson and Silas at my side as Michael, Lance, and Elijah are headed to Boston with Carter. They’re planning to let Michael sit down with the men who shot him, and the idea of him staring them down terrifies me.

Which is irrational, of course, since the men will be unarmed and handcuffed. Though, I guess if I’m being truly honest with myself, it’s them I fear for, not Michael. He’s been silent since Kyra was nearly killed three days ago.

I’ve barely seen him since I’m staying at Lance and Eliza’s—at their insistence—and he remained at the Redding’s to protect them.

I check my cell for the hundredth time, hoping he’s sent a text letting me know he’s all right, but there’s nothing here. Nothing but radio silence. I finish sending off a mass email to all the teachers welcoming them to the new school year, with a schedule of special events we have planned attached. As soon as it’s out of my outbox, I get to my feet and stretch.

My muscles are still sore, and I’m not sure they’ll recover until I’ve spent at least a week in bed sleeping off the stress from the past few weeks.

There’s a knock at the door, and after glancing through the glass pane, Jaxson pushes it open. “Lilly delivered lunch.” He offers me a Styrofoam container, then sits across from me as I open the lid and stare down at a cheeseburger and fries.

The woman knows the way to my heart, that’s for sure.