“You already know that, otherwise I wouldn’t be here.” I spit more blood to the side.
He chuckles. “Fair point. Now, Mikey, can I call you Mikey?”
“I’d rather you didn’t.”
His amusement disappears. “Fair enough. Michael. Asher tells me that you and your team have been getting in my way recently.”
“Wish I could say I was sorry about it, but I’m not.”
His grin is back. “You’ve got confidence, I’ll give you that. Any chance you’re looking for a job?” Before I can tell him where to put that offer, he waves a hand in front of his face. “Nah, who am I kidding. You do-gooders don’t have the stomach for real work.”
“If you mean I don’t have the stomach for attacking innocent women in dark parking lots, then yeah, you’d be right.” I wheeze, sucking in a pained breath since every single movement is agony right now.
“It seems to me we’re in the same line of work. You have someone to protect, and so do I.”
“Where is she?” I demand again.
“Which she?” he asks. “I’m afraid I need you to be a bit more specific.”
“Reyna,” I growl.
“Ah, yes. Gorgeous redhead. Legs a mile long. Principal, right?” When I don’t respond, he laughs. “Easy there, killer, she’s alive. Which is how she’ll stay as long as everyone plays ball.”
“I want to see her.”
“I’m afraid you’re in no position to make demands, Michael Anderson.”
“What do you want? Money? I can get it for you. Just let her go.”
“I’m not after money,” he replies. “As you can see, I’ve got plenty.”
“Then what do you want? Why go after a school principal?”
“Let’s just say I needed some collateral,” he replies. “While I wouldn’t have ordered you being brought in”—he glares at Asher, who continues staring straight at me—“I can admit that having two hostages might prove to be rather beneficial. Especially given your close relationship with the man I’m looking for.”
“The best trackers in the world will be looking for us,” I say, knowing Lance will have called in the cavalry to find us. “You don’t stand a chance.”
“I’m not worried. See, I did some digging into you as soon as I found out you were here. Michael Anderson. War hero. Nearly killed in action, but somehow managed to pull through despite doctors saying you wouldn’t. Works at Knight Security with Lance Knight, Elijah Andrews, and most recently—Jaxson Payne, a former detective with the LAPD. How am I doing so far?” I don’t answer, so he continues, “Both of your parents live in Hope Springs, along with your sister and her son, and you and Reyna were hot and heavy all through high school until you left her behind to join the service.”
“All you’re telling me is that you’re good at research,” I say.
“Yes. I am. I’m also not a man who toys around, Mr. Anderson. Which means I won’t hesitate to put a bullet in you should you prove to not be useful.”
“You still haven’t told me what it is you expect from me.”
He folds his arms. “I expect you to tell me everything you know about Carter Acker.”
My stomach twists. Is this what Reyna’s abduction has been about this entire time? Her brother? “Seems to me you should have already figured it all out. Being that you’re good at research and all that.”
He laughs and shakes his head. “Mouthy, mouthy, mouthy.” He nods back to Asher, who steps forward and slams his fist into my face. My head whips back, but when I straighten again, I smile, despite the blood dripping from my mouth and the agonizing pain in my shoulder.
“Now, let’s try that again,” the man in charge says. “See, Acker keeps his life relatively under wraps. I know that he’s married and that he has children, but they have a protective detail on them twenty-four-seven. They have no known routines and are a bit more high profile than I care for.”
“You’re after his family?”
“I’m after his everything,” he growls.
“Let me guess.” I lean back and stare up at him. “He put someone you care about away? Dismantled your organization? What exactly did Carter do to garner your attention in such detail?”