“Easy, Mom,” Reyna says. “We’ll find her. I’m sure there’s an explanation for it.”
But as she speaks the words, Reyna’s gaze finds mine, and I see the same anger I’m feeling reflected in her eyes.
Whoever used the phone tossed it so we would find it. His way of toying with us. Of letting us know that he’s a step ahead and can gain access at any point in time. Truth be told, Elijah’s serial killer theory is looking more and more likely with each passing day. And if that’s the case, it’s entirely possible Sheryl was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
My stomach churns.
“I’ll find Sheryl,” the sheriff says.
The door to the front of the bank opens and Felicity’s husband Henry rushes in. “Are you okay?” he demands. “I saw that the bank was closed. The sheriff’s car being outside worried me.” His gaze scans over the rest of us. “What’s going on?”
“The man who is after Reyna ended up with your wife’s phone.” Lance points to the monitor.
Henry leans in closer to the monitor. “That’s Sheryl.”
“It is, and we’re going to find her and see if we can get an explanation,” Sheriff Vick replies.
“My parents need additional protection.” Reyna crosses her arms. “This was a direct threat against my mother.”
“I agree.”
She glares at me as though she expected me to argue.
“I thought you all were supposed to find whoever is doing this.” Henry turns to me. “I trusted you with her.” His eyes are wide and afraid, his bottom lip quivering.
I start to respond, but what can I say? We’ve failed up until this point. This guy is managing to fly under the radar. We’ve got nothing on him so far.
“We will catch the guy,” Jaxson assures him. “Sometimes it just takes time.”
“Well, he’s come after my daughter and my wife now, so how much more time can we spare?”
“The important thing here is that Felicity is okay. We’ll put deputies on your house, and I’ll make sure you are both protected,” Sheriff Vick says as he fires off a text message. “And as soon as I bring Sheryl in, we’ll start getting some answers. If she was hired to grab the phone, maybe we’ll get a description of the guy.”
But I doubt it. And one look at Lance says he does, too. This guy has been careful. He wouldn’t allow anyone to get a look at his face—not unless he was certain they wouldn’t be able to talk about it later.
“There will be deputies at your home within a few minutes,” Sheriff Vick says as he shoves his phone into his pocket. “And I’m headed to Sheryl’s house. You’ll keep me apprised of any new discoveries?” he asks Lance.
While we’re not technically police, we have an excellent working relationship with Sheriff Vick. He lets us investigate alongside him, and we share intel. It’s a system that’s worked so far, and one I am beyond grateful for.
The sheriff offers one final wave, then turns and leaves the bank.
“I’m taking Felicity home. Unless you need anything else?” Henry asks.
“No, it’s okay.” Lance gives him a tight smile. “Jaxson, can you drive them home? Then wait until the deputies get there?”
“Sure thing.”
“Reyna, come with us,” her father urges.
She shakes her head. “I need to take care of some things, Dad, but I’ll be fine.”
“Please, honey.”
“I’m okay.” She smiles and takes his hands in hers, holding them tightly. “I promise.”
He purses his lips. “I won’t survive if anything happens to you.”