
Iprep another cup of coffee, then head into the bedroom I turned into an office. After taking a seat, I glance out the window at the late afternoon sky. It’s a truly beautiful day, with the sun shining brightly. My gaze drops to Jaxson’s car. He’s seated inside, reading a book. Right there if I need him, but far enough away that I don’t feel smothered.

Thankfully. I’ve certainly been feeling boxed in lately.

My cell rings and I check the readout. Ever since that call at the school, I’ve been careful not to answer any numbers I don’t recognize, so when I see Emily Reed flashing on the screen, I breathe a sigh of relief. “Hey, Em,” I greet. A social worker out of Boston, she’s who I coordinate with for most of my volunteer work.

“Hey, girl! How’s it going?” Per usual, her voice is pure sunshine. The woman is a constant ray of light in this world, always there for everyone who needs her. Which is why I don’t want to burden her with what’s happening with me. Her focus needs to be on the women and children she’s dedicated her life to helping, not on me.

I glance again at the bodyguard outside my window. “That’s a question that would require far more effort than I can currently give.”

She laughs. “I hear that. So listen, I just heard that Pauline is not going to make it to the banquet this year.”

Oh no, the banquet. With everything going on, I’d completely forgotten it was coming up. How did I forget? “Why can’t she make it?” Pauline Rivers is the in-person organizer for the entire event. She works directly with the caterers, the band, the decorators—all of them. I put the event together and handle the logistics, and Emily coordinates the donations and handles the legal side of things, but without Pauline, the actual setup won’t happen. Not unless I make it out there early to take over for her.

“Well, she just found out she’s pregnant.” She laughs. “And is currently dealing with morning sickness that could take down a horse.”

“Oh no. I’m sorry to hear that. Exciting about the pregnancy, but the sickness sounds awful.”

Emily laughs. “She was not looking so great when I went to pick up the event binder from her. I figured I would overnight it to you so that you can take a look at everything before the event.”

I close my eyes. Is it even possible for me to go? Is it even smart? How can I not, though? This is the largest charity event of the year in Boston. If Pauline was going to be there, she and Emily could easily manage things without me. But if she’s not going to make it…there’s no way Emily can handle everything alone, and it’s too late for me to hire someone else.

“Yeah, send it over. That would be great.”

“Awesome. I’ll get it out to you today. Are you doing okay? You sound off.”

“Just distracted. I had an accident in the parking lot of my school.”

“What happened?”

Since she’s likely going to see some fading bruises come event time, I figure I might as well get it over with now. “I was mugged.” I downplay the danger, hoping it’ll make it sound like it’s not a big deal.

“Mugged? Are you okay? Why didn’t you call me? What do you need?”

“Nothing, I’m fine. Just some scrapes and bruises. Someone was driving by when it happened, so he swept in and saved the day.” If I mention Michael’s name, that will bring up an entirely new conversation—one that I am in no way, shape, or form ready to have.

Not now. Probably not ever.

“Are you sure you’re okay? What did they get?”

“Just my purse. And yes, I’m fine.”


“I really am,” I assure her. “I’m taking care of myself, and I ordered replacement bank cards and a new ID, so everything will be back to normal soon.” God, I hope so. Please let that be true.

“Okay. Well. If you need anything, you know I’m here.”

“I know. Thank you.”

“Anytime. All right, I will get this binder out to you—wait! Are you sure you can take this on? I can try to?—”

“Send it over, Em,” I tell her with a laugh. “You have enough on your plate.”

“Always happy to hold more if I need to. But I am grateful you’re taking this on. I’ll get it out today so you should have it sometime tomorrow.”