Tears spring to my eyes.

Please, God. Please, no.



Rain hammers my windshield as I head home from dropping Matty off with Margot. It was a fun evening, even if I hadn’t been able to get Reyna out of my head. The feel of her as I’d held her up from the ground earlier…the scent of her delicate perfume…she’s haunting my every moment.

The school comes up, and like I always do, I turn toward the parking lot. Will she be working tonight? Tucked away in her office prepping for another school year?

Lightning shoots across the sky as I pass, illuminating the school’s parking lot. My heart stops beating and my stomach plummets.

A large figure has a smaller one pinned to the ground.

Right beside Reyna’s car.

Without hesitation, I jerk my truck into the lot. As soon as my headlights shine on the fight and I get a clear view of who is being attacked, all rational thought leaves my mind. The masked attacker hauls Reyna up and tries to drag her toward her car.

I throw my truck into park and grab my gun. Flinging my door open, I jump out and rush forward. Rain slams into me, soaking me instantly, but it doesn’t matter.

Nothing matters but her.

“Let her go or I’ll drop you where you stand,” I snarl.

She’s drenched in rainwater, eyes barely open, face bloody. It takes every bit of training for me to keep my head level when all I want to do is rip him apart where he stands. Doing so, though, could put Reyna in even more danger.

So I leash my feral temper.

“Let. Her. Go,” I repeat. “This is your final warning.”

The man pulls her in tighter, and the sleeve of his sweatshirt climbs up, revealing a tattoo that dips down into his glove before climbing up past his sleeve. It’s the only mark I see. Everything else is covered.

He leans down closer to her, then shoves her forward. Reyna hits me hard, and I stumble back, though I’m able to remain on my feet. Even as I want to look her over, I shift my attention to the immediate danger—only to find he’s gone.

Another flash of lightning. The man is clear across the parking lot, so I grab Reyna and carry her to my truck, setting her in the passenger seat and buckling her in before getting back in. I leave the gun in my lap and assess her injuries.

“Talk to me,” I urge. “Where are you hurt?”

Her teeth chatter, eyes half closed.

“God, please. Stay with me, Rey.” I crank the heat up and throw the truck in gear.

My tires screech as I burn out, driving in the direction the man ran. I need to get Reyna help, but if I can take this man out on my way… I reach the other side and see nothing.

No sign of her attacker.

I slam both hands onto the steering wheel, then guide my truck back onto the road.


We need Doc.

My heart pounds, adrenaline surging through me. “Talk to me, Rey,” I tell her. “Please.”

She mutters something, but I can’t understand it.

“Rey. I need you to stay awake.” I reach over and take her hand in mine, clinging to her in hopes that it will keep her alert and keep my heart from beating right out of my chest. With my hand on the steering wheel, I press and hold the Bluetooth button.