“I am so sorry, Reyna. I let you down again.” I suck in a breath. “I failed you, and I am so, so, so, sorry.”

My shoulders shake uncontrollably as I let out all of the fear and grief I’ve been holding in. Every single moment since I saw her in that car.

Since I watched her crash into that tree.

Heard the metal crunching.

And the screams ripped from her throat.

I let it all out, and then her hand tightens on mine. I look up and meet her gaze. “Hey, hey, baby.” Using my free hand, I wipe my tears and get up so I can get closer to her.

She reaches up and tries to remove the oxygen mask, but I shake my head.

“You have to leave it on.”

“Are you okay?” The words are barely audible as she speaks them.

But just hearing her voice makes me smile. “I am now.”



Wearing a green dress and date night heels for the first time since my accident six months ago, I make my way into the school. I have maybe fifteen minutes to deal with the vandalism before I need to be out the door and waiting for Michael to pick me up for our date.


Michael and I have seen each other every single day since the accident, with him bringing me food or helping with stuff around my house. Our dates recently have consisted of flats and leggings, while going to the diner or vegging out on my couch. They’ve been amazing, but the opportunity to see Michael in a suit has me desperate to get the night going.

I am beyond giddy with excitement as I turn a corner and hear soft music coming from the gymnasium, which is what Sheriff Vick said had been vandalized.

Someone actually broke into the school. And according to him, he’s never seen the gym look like it does now.

But music? Why would there be music?

I’m prepared for the worst, but then I step inside and find myself immersed in a memory.

A disco ball spins slowly overhead, casting lights all around the gymnasium. Silver and gold streamers hang from the ceiling, and white linen cloths cover five tables that have been placed around the edges of the gym.

And then Michael steps into view, wearing a tuxedo and a smile brighter than anything I’ve ever seen. Tears spring into my vision and my heart soars.


“Do you recognize this?” he asks, holding his arms out.

“Our senior prom,” I admit. “I’ll never forget it.” It was the night he’d asked me to marry him. We were lying out in my backyard after dancing the night away, and he’d asked me to run away with him.

I hadn’t known then that he was struggling with his life at home, and if I had I might’ve taken him up on the offer and fled together the moment we graduated. Then again, if I had, we wouldn’t be here right now.

Michael crosses over to me, and I reach out to take his offered hand. “Every single moment I was away, I thought about this night. About how beautiful you’d looked in your gown, and how absolutely lucky I was to have captivated the attention of someone like you.” He pulls me against him, one hand going to my lower back, the other taking mine in his.

We begin to sway, and I rest my head against his chest, letting myself be fully lost in the movement of his body against mine. Every moment we spent together over the years, every memory—bad and good—surfaces in a stunning reel of emotion playing through my heart.

I love this man. With everything that I am.

“We’ve been through a lot together,” Michael says.

“Yes, we have.”