The sentiment makes Lance smile, and truth be told, I’m grateful for it, too. “Reggie,” Lance replies. “Michael is tough as nails. I’ve no doubt he would have found a way to save himself.”
I nearly snort, a half-smile gracing my face despite my inner turmoil. “Doubtful. Not unless Reyna had been able to carry me out herself.”
“Knowing her, she would have,” my mother replies. She smiles softly at me as she takes a seat on my other side. “How are you?”
“Scared.” I don’t sugar-coat it. Why would I? The woman I love is fighting for her life.
“Any news?” Margot rushes in with Matty at her side. The teen looks tormented and for good reason. He was the one who found Jaxson bleeding out on the floor of Reyna’s office when he’d gone to drop off some cookies my sister made.
He’s the only reason Jaxson is alive. Silas had been tranquilized, the gun discarded since it had only contained one more dart. Which is why Wesley used a .45 on Jaxson instead of just knocking him out as well.
I shake my head, tears burning in my throat. “I feel so helpless. It’s been hours.”
“She’ll pull through, Uncle Michael. She’s tough.” Matty takes a seat across from me.
“She is,” Margot agrees. “I’m going to run back and check on Jaxson, okay? Matty, do you want to come?”
“No. I’m going to wait here. If that’s okay.”
She smiles softly. “Okay. I’ll be right back.”
“Wait, I want to go. I’d like to meet this former detective,” my mother says as she strands. “If you’ll be okay?” She hesitates beside my father.
“I’m fine, Delilah. Go.” He smiles, and she kisses him quickly, then follows my sister down the hall. If I wasn’t so broken inside, I might have fallen out of my chair at the sight of their affection.
I haven’t seen an actual show of affection between them since before high school.
“What? Can’t kiss your mother?” he asks, noting my shock.
“Just happy to see you both happy,” I reply truthfully.
He smiles like a teen in love. “I missed my Del. It’s been far too long since I was myself. I owe Reyna for that. She verbally smacked me so hard it made me see the past in a whole new light.”
The lump in my throat is suffocating. “You were brave today,” I tell my nephew. “You should be proud.”
He shrugs. “I didn’t do anything.”
“But you did. Doc said you applying pressure as you called 9-1-1 is the only reason Jaxson is alive. Thank you. You saved my friend.”
He shrugs again.
“You’re a hero, kid,” my dad says. “Just like your uncle.”
“And his grandfather from the stories I hear,” Lance offers. “You’re a legend with the Sheriff’s department.”
My dad snorts. “I don’t know about that.”
“It’s true.” Lance crosses his arms. “Just ask Sheriff Vick the next time you see him.”
As they talk, I lean back and close my eyes, trying to keep my mind steady. For hours now, people have been coming and going. Pastor Redding and his wife. Lilly and Alex. Felix. Mrs. McGinley. They’ve been popping in, looking for updates, but I have none.
Leaning forward again, I stare down at my bruised knuckles. I’d slammed my fist into Wesley more times than I could count, stopping only because keeping him alive means answers. But I’d wanted to kill him.
I’d wanted so badly to deal that final blow.
And the entire ambulance ride back to the hospital, I’d been apologizing to God for allowing such violent thoughts to take root in my mind.
I’d begged for Him to heal Reyna.