“Then be honest. Liam will appreciate it, and you’ll feel better.” He goes back to reading his book, and I stare at the cursor blinking on my screen.

I’d been in the middle of an email to our school board when Liam walked in, and even though everything I’d wanted to say had been fresh in my mind, now I’m completely blank. Better start over again.

I start to look it over again when my cell rings. I don’t recognize the number on the screen, which is not unusual this time of year, since I haven’t programmed every one of my employees into my contacts. Without thinking, I answer. “Hello?”

“Hello, Reyna Acker.”

My blood goes cold. “You.”

Jaxson sets his book aside and stands, crossing over toward my desk. He pulls out his phone and taps the screen. After muttering something I can’t quite make out, he puts it on speaker and sets it on the desk, then gestures for me to do the same.

Swallowing hard, I hit the speaker button. “What do you want with me?”

“Speaker, huh? That’s okay, I don’t mind talking to your muscle, too.” He sighs into the phone. “You have made things difficult for me, Reyna.” The way he says my name churns my stomach.

“I wish I could say I’m sorry,” I reply sarcastically. “But I genuinely hope that I continue to do so.”

“Gave me a bit of a shiner with that right hook of yours. I have to say, I’m impressed.”

“Why did you come after me?”

“You’ll find out soon enough. Jaxson Payne, I’m assuming you’re listening on the call?”

“You know who I am. Good for you.”

“I know who you all are. Lance Knight. Elijah Breeth. Michael Anderson.” When he says Michael’s name, my stomach churns again and bile burns the back of my throat. Is this a threat? Is he threatening everyone I care about now? Why? “I know that Reyna’s mother works at the bank and her father owns an automotive shop. Then, of course, there’s Eliza Knight and Andie Montgomery. They are quite the lookers. Even Anderson’s sister, Margot.” He whistles. “Now, there’s a gorgeous woman.”

Jaxson’s expression turns murderous. “You’d better start giving me information I can use, or this call is over.”

“I merely wanted to reach out and let you know that you and your team have one opportunity to back off before this gets really ugly for all of you. It would be a shame if something happened to someone you care about, Reyna.”

Spots invade my vision, and I suck in a breath. He’s threatening people I care about, and he won’t even tell me why. I’m just a principal. Why is this happening to me?

“If you’ve truly done that much digging into us you know that we won’t back off. Not until you’re behind bars.”

“This doesn’t have to include you. You’re doing your job, and I can respect that, but this isn’t a battle you can win.”

“You clearly have no idea who you’re dealing with,” Jaxson says.

“Maybe not. But I know that Reyna Acker and I have unfinished business. And I know that if you don’t stay out of my way, I won’t hesitate to start shortening the branches of your makeshift family tree.” He ends the call, and I suck in another breath.

“You got all that?” Jaxson asks.

“Got it,” Lance replies through the speaker of Jaxson’s phone. He ends the call and crosses around to put both hands on my shoulders. “Breathe, Reyna.”

“He’s threatening everyone. Why? What did I do?”

“We’ll figure it out, but you need to breathe.”

I suck in a ragged breath. God, please help me. Please, please, please don’t let this man hurt anyone because of me.

The door flies open, and Michael rushes in. His gaze is furious, and I know without a doubt he was likely in the office when the call to Lance came in. The lighthouse they work out of is only a few miles away, but he must have left as soon as the man started talking.

“Breathe, Reyna,” Jaxson tells me.

I obey. One breath at a time.

“He’s not in the parking lot,” Michael replies. “I cleared it.” His gaze lands on the roses left on my desk, but he doesn’t say anything.