I grunted at the insult. Let him think whatever he wanted. I needed him distracted for as long as possible. Looking over my shoulder, I watched Jason for movement. As still as he was, I was afraid the guy was dead. He’d been beaten as badly or worse than I was at that ambush orchestrated by Chief Edwards.
His secretary was on the floor facing him. The way she was focused on him, she was worried, but aside from being tied up, she was okay.
Bringing my attention back to Anna, I smiled, hoping to give her a little reassurance that everything was going to be okay. I had a plan, and so far, it seemed to be working.
I’d been dropped off two blocks away and arrived on foot. There were two guards stationed outside, and several patrolling the parking garage as well. That was all we knew. The heat-imaging equipment we’d used before didn’t work on this building. We’d tried, but it’d been blocked. My guess is it was the insulation in the building. The only reason we knew about the guards in the underground garage was because of Thomas. He’d learned that the hard way.
With their laser focus on me, it’d given Dimitris, Thea, and Lex time to get into position around the building. I needed to keep that attention a little longer. “That woman on the floor over there is mine. Did you think I wouldn’t try to get her back?”
Michael worked his jaw and then hammered me in the gut a few times. Admittedly, he got me on the last hit. I struggled to regain my breath as a familiar pain shot through my chest—a broken rib. I coughed and it intensified the pain radiating through me. Mid breath, he rammed his knuckles along my jaw, throwing my head back, dazing me. Cheap shot.
“Papa, please stop.” I heard the sharp intake of a shaky breath. “Please. I’ll do whatever you want. Just stop hurting him.”
“No,” I ground out and shook my head. Swallowing down the abuse, I looked at Anna. “I’m fine.” When we got out of this though, I’d need recovery time.
That response enraged him. The blows that came next were in rapid succession, and if I didn’t know any better, I would have said he was using brass knuckles. He wasn’t, but clearly, the man worked out. It didn’t help that I’d been pre-tenderized a few weeks ago.
“Papa, please!” Anna cried. Big fat drops ran down her face.
“He’s too much of a coward to face either of us on a level playing field.” Jason had finally regained consciousness, but the guy was in no shape for another round with his father. He should have kept his mouth shut.
Michael left me long enough to walk to his son. Before he could bring his foot down on Jason’s head, Cora hurled herself over him. “No.”
Grabbing a fistful of her hair, Michael wrenched her head back and seethed. “I was going to auction you, but I think I’ll do that after my men have had their fun with you. You won’t be worth as much, but I’ll take joy in seeing them break you.”
Before Michael could continue, a knock came from the door, and it flew open. “Boss, something’s happening.”
Michael stormed over to the guy and smacked him so hard he went down to one knee. “I said no disturbances.”
“Yes, sir, I know, but…” The guy looked up as he held his jaw. “It’s Thomas. I swear I saw him.”
“Thomas? Thomas is dead. I saw to that myself.”
Michael thought he saw it. He’d certainly left the guy for dead. Lex had found Thomas in a dumpster a few blocks from the church with a deep cut on his head and a gunshot wound in his shoulder. Our doctor had patched him up, given him something for the pain, and we’d told him what we were planning. He’d wanted to play the part of a ghost, knowing it’d draw Michael away from the office.
Michael looked over his shoulder, scanning the room. He had four hostages. If he left and was caught, he’d have zero leverage. That was the plan. I knew that look though. We were about to have a plot twist.
“Go see what’s happened.” He shut the doors, locked them, and then pulled the love seat a few feet away in front of the door. Satisfied, he returned his attention to us.
The blade in my watch sliced through the last strand of the rope holding my hands in place. Still, I kept them where they were. I needed to catch him off guard. He was armed and I knew it. He’d been using his fists because he could get away with it. Evenly matched, he’d lose.
“Now, where were we?” He smiled. “Oh, before I forget.” He tugged his phone from his pocket and tapped on the screen. “Elevator is now non-operational. A neat little feature I had installed when I first bought this building forty years ago. I’m glad I had the inspiration to make it wireless before returning to the States.”
“Anna and I will be the only ones leaving this room alive.” He looked at her. “If she cooperates. Otherwise, I’ll be a poor grieving father.”
Jason chuckled. “Father. You use that term far too loosely.”
Michael made a slow approach, only to lunge at the end, grabbing Cora again and pushing her away. He brought his foot down on Jason’s throat. “I told you that you wouldn’t live to see the sunrise. I’m a man of my word.”
I was too.
“Papa, no!” Anna screamed.
“No!” Cora scrambled to her feet, fists flying. I wasn’t sure how she’d managed it, but she’d worked herself out of the ropes.
I would be doing something nice for Jason’s secretary. The feisty brunette gave me just what I needed. I’d get one chance.
Pitching forward, I used the momentum to throw myself forward and roll. As the chair arched, I slammed it on the floor, breaking it enough that I could get one of my legs free. As soon as I was on my feet, I used the weight of my body to break the other leg enough that I was able to move freely.