Page 55 of Promised Vows

I didn’t even pause as I reached Lorenzo, swinging hard. My fist connected with his jaw, nearly knocking him and the chair over.

He spat blood on my shoes and smiled. “You should go ahead and kill me. I’m not talking.”

“No, this isn’t about getting information out of you. This is about you taking my girl at gunpoint. I have no intention of making it quick,” I growled as I swung again.

“And I’d do it again, Kalantzis.” He bared his teeth at me.

“As Marco’s consigliere, you’d think your sense of self-preservation would be stronger, but I guess you’re not that bright,” I said and gave two swift punches to the side of his face.

He laughed, and I lost my temper. When I took a break, his entire head was a giant bruise, and he was missing teeth. I knew because I sliced my knuckle on one as I knocked it out. Hearing loss was a good possibility too. I’d restrained myself though. I didn’t want him dead. I wanted him properly educated about my belongings.

Somehow, he managed to stay conscious, which admittedly, I found impressive. Stamina. Not a lot of guys had that these days. There’d only been one other time I’d dealt with a Moretti, and he’d represented poorly.

Lorenzo labored to breathe as he tried to right himself. His impersonation of a bobblehead was on point. His head dropped back with a groan.

I pulled a chair closer, took a seat, and set my ankle over my knee. “I’ve already guessed that Michael Georgiou was building an alliance with Benoit and Moretti. I also know about Jason and Michael. The coup.”

A slow, rattling breath. “Your train’s on the right track…but your conductor is a moron.”

“I’m not the one tied up and beaten to a bloody pulp.”

“You will be. I’ll make sure they keep you alive too. That way when I recover, I can repay your kindness.” Recover. That was a good joke. It implied he was walking out of here.

“You killed the chief and the mayor and all those cops.”

“I have videotapes of them with children. Including Marco.”

Yeah, I’d kept that spicy piece of information to myself from everyone until I’d confided in Anna. It’d been buried in Franklin’s office. I’d been suspicious of Gabriele from the beginning. Being beaten up and shot didn’t mean that it hadn’t been coordinated with Marco to set my family up.

“Marco owns this city. He’ll never see the inside of a court.”

I was calculated in what I said next. I wanted to see Lorenzo’s reaction. “I doubt he would since Gabriele is hunting him down for molesting his granddaughter.”

Nothing. Not a flinch, twitch, or tell. If nothing else, I had to respect the discipline it took to pull that off. “Marco’s got plenty of people around to keep him safe. He doesn’t need to worry about his brother.”

“Wouldn’t Gabriele know the typical hideouts? I would think that’d make things tricky.”

Lorenzo glared at me.

“Who was Anna promised to? Marco?”

He continued to hold my gaze.

My frustration climbed. “I guess Michael and Jason had it all planned out?” I threw Jason in there because I wanted Lorenzo to think I was suspicious of both.

Just a glare.

That smug face. I wanted to beat the information out of him, but I knew that wouldn’t work. As much as I wanted him dead, I knew he had the information I wanted. Possibly needed. I’d let him marinate for a while and try again.


As he returned, he flicked his gaze to Lorenzo then back to me. “Anything?”

“Throw him in a cell, keep him alive, and guarded. Maybe he’ll be a little more talkative in a couple of days.” After my honeymoon. Two weeks would be a good length of time to be locked in a cell by himself. Solitary confinement had a way of loosening a person’s tongue. “I’ll see you later.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

As I walked out of the warehouse, I set the whole situation on the back burner. I was getting married tomorrow, and I wasn’t letting the Morettis steal that from me or Anna.